Two Chicago police officers who sodomized man with screwdriver in 2004 are still on the force


Well-Known Member
On Aug. 28, 2004, Chicago Police Officer Scott Korhonen did something truly heinous to a young man named Coprez Coffie. Just 20 years old at the time, Coffie was spotted by Korhonen and his partner in what they claimed was a drug deal. Coffie, who was employed as a security guard at a local hotel, was then driven to an alley, handcuffed and strip-searched with his pants down. During the strip search, Korhonen got a screwdriver and jammed it deep into the rectum of Coffie — causing internal injuries to Coffie.

Yes, you read that correctly. Yes, that is not simply inappropriate, it is as illegal as it gets. Chicago Police Officer Scott Korhonen sexually assaulted Coprez Coffie. Coffie reported the injuries when they took him to the police station and immediately reported the injuries at St. Mary of Nazareth Hospital that same day. The man was literally bleeding from his rectum.

As you could imagine, Coprez Coffie refused to simply accept what happened to him. For the next three years he fought like hell to prove that he was brutalized and assaulted by Korhonen. At first, Coffie and his attorneys fought for the case to go to trial and filed several motions before judges requesting his day in court. In the meantime, the Chicago Police Department stonewalled and refused to even discipline Officer Korhonen or his partner, Officer Gerald Lodwich, who stood by and did nothing when the assault took place.

Finally, on Oct. 17, 2007 a civil jury found Officers Korhonen and Lodwichguilty of the “unreasonable search” and ordered the City of Chicago to pay Coffie a $4 million settlement plus nearly $675,000 for his legal fees. In the process of the investigation, it was determined that not only did the officers have screwdrivers in the glove compartment of their car, but that human fecal matter was found in the glove compartment as well. The injuries to Mr. Coffie’s rectum were also confirmed and documented.

Still, this was not good enough Coffie. It shouldn’t have been. These men deserved to go to jail for what they did. Anybody who did what they did should go to jail. So, Coffie continued to push for a new trial. The following year, in a preliminary ruling, look at what District Court Judge James Holderman said:

“Considering all the evidence, which is now conceded by the defense to be sufficient to support the jury's verdict for the plaintiff, including the circumstantial evidence, which strongly supports the jury's verdict for Coffie, this was a clear case. The evidence established by a preponderance of the evidence each of Coffie's claims that Korhonen unreasonably inserted a screwdriver in Coffie' rectum in violation of Coffie's constitutional rights and that Lodwich knowingly failed to stop Korhonen's unconstitutional conduct. In addition, the evidence clearly showed that Korhonen and Lodwich each knowingly testified falsely at the trial.”

Officers Scott Korhonen and Gerald Lodwich are still employed by the Chicago Police Department to this very day. Lodwich made $90,618 last year as an officer. The rapist Scott Korhonen made $87,384.

These men not only avoided jail time, they kept their jobs in law enforcement — in spite of costing the city nearly $5 million and multiple independent investigations finding that they were guilty of several felonies.

This is unthinkable. It is criminal. It is indicative of every single thing that is wrong with policing in America. These men should be fired immediately. No doubt the statute of limitations may have passed for their crimes, but they must never be in law enforcement again.

Every officer and superior who covered for these men should also be fired. All of this is criminal.
On Aug. 28, 2004, Chicago Police Officer Scott Korhonen did something truly heinous to a young man named Coprez Coffie. Just 20 years old at the time, Coffie was spotted by Korhonen and his partner in what they claimed was a drug deal. Coffie, who was employed as a security guard at a local hotel, was then driven to an alley, handcuffed and strip-searched with his pants down. During the strip search, Korhonen got a screwdriver and jammed it deep into the rectum of Coffie — causing internal injuries to Coffie.

Yes, you read that correctly. Yes, that is not simply inappropriate, it is as illegal as it gets. Chicago Police Officer Scott Korhonen sexually assaulted Coprez Coffie. Coffie reported the injuries when they took him to the police station and immediately reported the injuries at St. Mary of Nazareth Hospital that same day. The man was literally bleeding from his rectum.

As you could imagine, Coprez Coffie refused to simply accept what happened to him. For the next three years he fought like hell to prove that he was brutalized and assaulted by Korhonen. At first, Coffie and his attorneys fought for the case to go to trial and filed several motions before judges requesting his day in court. In the meantime, the Chicago Police Department stonewalled and refused to even discipline Officer Korhonen or his partner, Officer Gerald Lodwich, who stood by and did nothing when the assault took place.

Finally, on Oct. 17, 2007 a civil jury found Officers Korhonen and Lodwichguilty of the “unreasonable search” and ordered the City of Chicago to pay Coffie a $4 million settlement plus nearly $675,000 for his legal fees. In the process of the investigation, it was determined that not only did the officers have screwdrivers in the glove compartment of their car, but that human fecal matter was found in the glove compartment as well. The injuries to Mr. Coffie’s rectum were also confirmed and documented.

Still, this was not good enough Coffie. It shouldn’t have been. These men deserved to go to jail for what they did. Anybody who did what they did should go to jail. So, Coffie continued to push for a new trial. The following year, in a preliminary ruling, look at what District Court Judge James Holderman said:

“Considering all the evidence, which is now conceded by the defense to be sufficient to support the jury's verdict for the plaintiff, including the circumstantial evidence, which strongly supports the jury's verdict for Coffie, this was a clear case. The evidence established by a preponderance of the evidence each of Coffie's claims that Korhonen unreasonably inserted a screwdriver in Coffie' rectum in violation of Coffie's constitutional rights and that Lodwich knowingly failed to stop Korhonen's unconstitutional conduct. In addition, the evidence clearly showed that Korhonen and Lodwich each knowingly testified falsely at the trial.”

Officers Scott Korhonen and Gerald Lodwich are still employed by the Chicago Police Department to this very day. Lodwich made $90,618 last year as an officer. The rapist Scott Korhonen made $87,384.

These men not only avoided jail time, they kept their jobs in law enforcement — in spite of costing the city nearly $5 million and multiple independent investigations finding that they were guilty of several felonies.

This is unthinkable. It is criminal. It is indicative of every single thing that is wrong with policing in America. These men should be fired immediately. No doubt the statute of limitations may have passed for their crimes, but they must never be in law enforcement again.

Every officer and superior who covered for these men should also be fired. All of this is criminal.

If we do not punish those who we entrust with enforcing or laws, we invite tyranny.

It is tyranny that we see every day, examples of which we see constantly, thanks to the efforts of many people like yourself.

Holding people accountable at ALL levels of government is the only way to avoid the complete loss of our freedoms.

Electing 'hard liners' is the fastest way to lose what few we have left.

I agree that all involved in the commission and the cover up of the crimes you reference should be held accountable.

But the house cleaning needs to go much further than that, I fear.
On Aug. 28, 2004, Chicago Police Officer Scott Korhonen did something truly heinous to a young man named Coprez Coffie. Just 20 years old at the time, Coffie was spotted by Korhonen and his partner in what they claimed was a drug deal. Coffie, who was employed as a security guard at a local hotel, was then driven to an alley, handcuffed and strip-searched with his pants down. During the strip search, Korhonen got a screwdriver and jammed it deep into the rectum of Coffie — causing internal injuries to Coffie.

Yes, you read that correctly. Yes, that is not simply inappropriate, it is as illegal as it gets. Chicago Police Officer Scott Korhonen sexually assaulted Coprez Coffie. Coffie reported the injuries when they took him to the police station and immediately reported the injuries at St. Mary of Nazareth Hospital that same day. The man was literally bleeding from his rectum.

As you could imagine, Coprez Coffie refused to simply accept what happened to him. For the next three years he fought like hell to prove that he was brutalized and assaulted by Korhonen. At first, Coffie and his attorneys fought for the case to go to trial and filed several motions before judges requesting his day in court. In the meantime, the Chicago Police Department stonewalled and refused to even discipline Officer Korhonen or his partner, Officer Gerald Lodwich, who stood by and did nothing when the assault took place.

Finally, on Oct. 17, 2007 a civil jury found Officers Korhonen and Lodwichguilty of the “unreasonable search” and ordered the City of Chicago to pay Coffie a $4 million settlement plus nearly $675,000 for his legal fees. In the process of the investigation, it was determined that not only did the officers have screwdrivers in the glove compartment of their car, but that human fecal matter was found in the glove compartment as well. The injuries to Mr. Coffie’s rectum were also confirmed and documented.

Still, this was not good enough Coffie. It shouldn’t have been. These men deserved to go to jail for what they did. Anybody who did what they did should go to jail. So, Coffie continued to push for a new trial. The following year, in a preliminary ruling, look at what District Court Judge James Holderman said:

“Considering all the evidence, which is now conceded by the defense to be sufficient to support the jury's verdict for the plaintiff, including the circumstantial evidence, which strongly supports the jury's verdict for Coffie, this was a clear case. The evidence established by a preponderance of the evidence each of Coffie's claims that Korhonen unreasonably inserted a screwdriver in Coffie' rectum in violation of Coffie's constitutional rights and that Lodwich knowingly failed to stop Korhonen's unconstitutional conduct. In addition, the evidence clearly showed that Korhonen and Lodwich each knowingly testified falsely at the trial.”

Officers Scott Korhonen and Gerald Lodwich are still employed by the Chicago Police Department to this very day. Lodwich made $90,618 last year as an officer. The rapist Scott Korhonen made $87,384.

These men not only avoided jail time, they kept their jobs in law enforcement — in spite of costing the city nearly $5 million and multiple independent investigations finding that they were guilty of several felonies.

This is unthinkable. It is criminal. It is indicative of every single thing that is wrong with policing in America. These men should be fired immediately. No doubt the statute of limitations may have passed for their crimes, but they must never be in law enforcement again.

Every officer and superior who covered for these men should also be fired. All of this is criminal.


And I don't mean I don't beIieve it, it's just after the taxpayers throw away $5 million for no good legitimate reason, you'd think they'd want those assholes removed from the force and society both. How can you possibly get away with that?
This isn't shocking news. It's Chicago, what do you really expect from a democrat controlled city and police force?

I don't see things going in my bughole as sexual at all, it's just not supposed to happen.

It was a vicious assault but I'd argue not a rape because rape generally involves some kinda of sexual gratification on the part of the rapist.

Definitely torture though.
This isn't shocking news. It's Chicago, what do you really expect from a democrat controlled city and police force?
This case is so eerily similar to what happened almost 20 years ago in NYC to Abner Louima, at least that POS shit cop got what he deserved put in prison for 30 years the city paid out close to 9 million in that case.

BTW the mayor at the time was a REPUBLICAN asswipe you see almost everyday RUDOLPH GIULIANI. Amerca's mayor my ass!!!


The best part is he won't smell pussy
until maybe 2025!
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This case is so eerily similar to what happened almost 20 years ago in NYC to Abner Louima, at least that POS shit cop got what he deserved put in prison for 30 years the city paid out close to 9 million in that case.

BTW the mayor at the time was a REPUBLICAN asswipe you see almost everyday RUDOLPH GIULIANI. Amerca's mayor my ass!!!


The best part is he won't smell pussy
until maybe 2025!
I remember.
This case is so eerily similar to what happened almost 20 years ago in NYC to Abner Louima, at least that POS shit cop got what he deserved put in prison for 30 years the city paid out close to 9 million in that case.

BTW the mayor at the time was a REPUBLICAN asswipe you see almost everyday RUDOLPH GIULIANI. Amerca's mayor my ass!!!


The best part is he won't smell pussy
until maybe 2025!
so the town with a Republican mayor sent a cop to prison and the town with a Democrat mayor didn't even fire the cops. Yet you somehow distort that into an indictment of Republicans?