Two Chicago police officers who sodomized man with screwdriver in 2004 are still on the force

Hey asswipe B.B. made it about politics, not me. I know it's very difficult for you to comprehend.


He's a severely damaged meth head, it's to be expected....hey, wanna place bets on how long it'll be before red's latest sock CRACKS and runs screaming from the 'Politics' section??

I'm betting not toooooo much longer!
I don't think that will achieve your goal of making friends with them.
Why only "black deaths"? Are you a racist?

OP is black and black deaths are of concern to HIM..I was speaking out to his concerns.

Stop trying to make me into something I'm not; the topic into something it's not.
Who are you kidding ??? your freedom ? You consider your self free ???

There is no such thing as freedom,, your being watched non stop now, you can be detained indefinably with out being charged ..
When it comes to war time You set your own laws in place forget the Geneva convention laws

You torture prisoners, with in humane measures water boarding , starving , keeping them awake yet scream at some black police officer shooting a citizen , or cops using screwdrivers
you lnd to the fact at what other countries children see on a daily basis..
Blind actually spoiled ,out of touch little children that will cry at every wrong doing ..

God forbid the day when war death, destruction happens in your back yard you will not fair very well especially your kids

You are shielded from real time events around the world , you go to bed every night with a full stomach.
Where on other parts of the world the war goes on and kids are starving haven not ate in a week water is contaminated with DEATH unfit for a dog

You are easy to point a finger at the cause when the real cause started with you Cruelty runs rapid were taught to be cruel View attachment 3799142

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"I feared for my life, but I didn't draw my weapon because, you know...what would the neighbors think?" The "Ferguson effect", LOLOLOL!!!

Holy shit,....I don`t want to addmit this, but we thought the same Ferguson effect thing. Only difference is, I said what would the "blacks" think. It is near the Holiday Black Friday shopping time of the year in the fall.