Two eyes for an eye


Well-Known Member
You can't self teach yourself everything. You know it and I know it.
I can't, no. I'm going to make the assumption you can't, but that's based on your interactions here. To say nobody could is a claim I'm not willing to make.

Who taught the man who performed the first open heart surgery? How did he know how to teach it?

Is a formal education the only way to learn things? I learned about guns from relatives. I learned about fire ants from 1st hand experience, wtf didn't anyone tell me about fire ants? That shit hurt.

I learned how to fix radios by tearing them apart and reading books. I learned about computers the same way, I'm sure there is something you learned on your own.. surely.


Well-Known Member
You can't self teach yourself everything. you know it and I know it
I can't, no. I'm going to make the assumption you can't, but that's based on your interactions here. To say nobody could is a claim I'm not willing to make.

Who taught the man who performed the first open heart surgery? How did he know how to teach it?

Is a formal education the only way to learn things? I learned about guns from relatives. I learned about fire ants from 1st hand experience, wtf didn't anyone tell me about fire ants? That shit hurt.

I learned how to fix radios by tearing them apart and reading books. I learned about computers the same way, I'm sure there is something you learned on your own.. surely.
What London Fog seems unable to grasp is there is a difference between public school and education. While public school is education there are many other forms.

He cannot understand the distinction.


Well-Known Member
What London Fog seems unable to grasp is there is a difference between public school and education. While public school is education there are many other forms.

He cannot understand the distinction.
He went from public school to military for 22 years. I'm not knocking it, in fact I find it pretty damn admirable. It's just that he was most likely discouraged from thinking for himself. I'm not knocking that either, for our military to work, you have to have a system of following orders.

Hell, even Jefferson was for an educated populace, I just think we could do better and should do better. Our school system is no longer about children first.


Well-Known Member
What London Fog seems unable to grasp is there is a difference between public school and education. While public school is education there are many other forms.

He cannot understand the distinction.
while it seems like most of us got our basic education from public schools. Thank your government.


Well-Known Member
here on a pot forum
oh, so you actually are aware that this is a pot forum.

i was unsure you knew that since you have never posted anything related to cannabis whatsoever, never given advice to anyone about growing, never given the slightest clue that you grow or smoke, or anything else.

i was pretty sure you mistook this place as a welcoming venue for your white supremacy beliefs.


Well-Known Member
while it seems like most of us got our basic education from public schools. Thank your government.
Easy question. Do you believe competition increases or decreases skill? If you are "we don't keep score here" guy I'll understand, but you like sports so I doubt that's you.


Well-Known Member
What kind of douche bag goes around talking about his ASVAB score but didn't nut up and join?
i wouldn't have needed nuts to join, someone as valuable as me would have never seen combat in the least, unlike bullet catchers like you.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
while it seems like most of us got our basic education from public schools. Thank your government.

A jail keeper gives the prisoners some bread and water. All the prisoners "know" that food comes from the jail keeper.

Thank you jail keeper.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
actually the food comes from taxpayers like yourself. The prisoner thanks you.

There sure are alot of prisoners in the USA. Did you know your wonderful nanny state oversees the worlds highest prison population?

How's that list of things you like from the government that don't arise from force or threats of it coming by the way? You've had a few weeks to come up with it.


Well-Known Member
There sure are alot of prisoners in the USA. Did you know your wonderful nanny state oversees the worlds highest prison population?

How's that list of things you like from the government that don't arise from force or threats of it coming by the way? You've had a few weeks to come up with it.
Sure are a lot of prisoners in America. We need to most certainly change our drug laws.


Well-Known Member
He paid you? How much did you get?

So are you saying people can't make voluntary agreements until they are a certain age, or are you saying if you don't like the agreement others have made or if the agreement is held to be generally reprehensible by the given society it occurs in that it is not a voluntary agreement?

Or are you saying you suck at backing up your points and quickly go to distractions?


Well-Known Member
He paid you? How much did you get?

So are you saying people can't make voluntary agreements until they are a certain age, or are you saying if you don't like the agreement others have made or if the agreement is held to be generally reprehensible by the given society it occurs in that it is not a voluntary agreement?

Or are you saying you suck at backing up your points and quickly go to distractions?
for perpetuity