Two Houses Four Rooms. Professional Op


Well-Known Member
2.6 off 2 thousands and two600s? Ouch
Well I couldnt make it out to this house enough to work my magic. My buddy that was tending to this garden this was his first and last grow. And we only had 1200 watts until the 4th week of flower before i hung the 2 1ks. Plus we had problems with the co2 burner and the AC. And no training was done at all. No topping or anything. But the buds turned out pretty nice. I also do not count the popcorn nugs because i make shatter out of all that.

But yeah it sucked..

But hey look down at my signature and youll see the my garden


Well-Known Member
Wow.. Nice plants but only 2.6 lbs.. I can see why that is your friends last grow...
Do you ever feel bad that your plants were locked up all their life? never saw the sunlight of got to feel the wind in their leaves?
People for the Ethical Treatment of Cannabis



Well-Known Member
Depends on the strain. Thats not a bad yield if its og.
Every thing is crossed with L.A confidential and L.A is considered a pure indica..

So in my opinion L.A is a O.G..

Yeah the yield sucked but this was this dudes first time growing ever. And some of those nugs are insane.

Yeah i was quarterbacking for him but it was all on him to tend to this garden..


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Who said anything about paying bills?
I meant, that he could of purchased more medicine than that..once you calculate electric and nutrients and the rent to have the house strictly to grow in. I'm not hating on the op. The op stated that he knows this clearly, if you want to argue it more we can no problemo


Well-Known Member
Can sweet rawu
These nutes from the pics above are botanicare kind series. For flowering i am using hydroplex and Sweet Raw in conjunction. These nutes are badass but the guy who is watching over this garden has not been watching the pH and he let the meters dry out. I had to buy a cleaning kit today. They were .8 too high.. so when he checked it was still fucked. He is a newb.. its all good[/QUOT. Can you use sweet raw for flushing