Two Ladies 19 days into flower!!!


Active Member
So I am 19 days into flower and have one plant that is looking great to me and starting to frost up. My other one that I leave outdoor...looks like its growing way different. Both random bag seeds ...the slower looking one has pink/purple pistils all over....both look goes inside at night for 12 dark the pink stays outside ... not using any nutes just water. Posting four pictures of each....first for is plant that comes inside...plant two is outside....



Active Member
Dont freak out....Your plants are ok. The outdoor looks better. Outdoor does have a different flowering cycle.


Active Member
Dont freak out....Your plants are ok. The outdoor looks better. Outdoor does have a different flowering cycle.
No way the outdoor with pink looks better lol I feel like its growing super dense and just looms really bumpy...ugh just looks super off to me compared to my other lady