Two plants indoors need advise


I have never grown weed, but have smoke forever.

I placed a couple of seeds in another plant we had growing on window, and both sprouted. The first one is about 3 months old and almost 2 feet tall, it looks like small buds are forming but I can be not be sure- the second is about 1 1/2 months about half the size and just showing nice 5 point leaves. I replanted them both in their own pot, plants get about 7 hours of direct sunlight I have pictures to send and would like someone to help me figure out if the tall one is a girl and what type o grow light I can by for medium price and good light.

I appreciate any advise I can get.

Illegal Smile

Post your pics. They need more light and are ready to flower (if female) that means they need to be on a 12/12 light/dark schedule. They aren't getting enough light now. A 100w of actual cfl on each would do, get them close. And you want a mix of 6500k and 2700k light. Maybe 3 2700s and 1 6500s for each plant. Use reflectors with sockets and cords and put Y splitters in them to hold 2 bulbs. The 12 hrs of dark means dark.


Post your pics. They need more light and are ready to flower (if female) that means they need to be on a 12/12 light/dark schedule. They aren't getting enough light now. A 100w of actual cfl on each would do, get them close. And you want a mix of 6500k and 2700k light. Maybe 3 2700s and 1 6500s for each plant. Use reflectors with sockets and cords and put Y splitters in them to hold 2 bulbs. The 12 hrs of dark means dark.
Since I am new to the site I need to figure out how to post pictures, I should hevae them up by tomorrow.


usaully the taller ones are male. but not always. need close up pics n stuff
Good morning,.
Woke up to see my larger plant seems to be budding from a couple of places and has just been sitting on windowsill. Any advise on what I should do next with these two plants? I know the picture quality is not the best , better photos to come....:weed:


Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
hard to say i would probaly just leave them in the window and see what happens and start some new ones. You could buy a light but u would need a pretty big light for plants that size. Id say go get some nice cfls. I got mine at home depot it is a super version of the standard cfls for like 12$ get a few of those and read the faq. If you look where the leaves stem connects to the main stalk in between there is where the preflowers will be. If you see white hairs its a female if it looks like grape cluster pull it its a male(usually the best plant you got is male). gl

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
o you have pictures
yeah those are toast, pic 3 of 4 looks like a male the little one? U need to transplant them like weeks ago but maybe u could salvage it get it in a bigger pot and be prepared to support the main stalk because it will likely fall over if it gets any taller.

For future attempts dont plant them in same pots, use different pots. Get them 18 hours of light from some cfls. And i like to have a breeze blowing on my seedlings to make the stalk thick and able to support the weight it will put on later.

Dont worry tho most everyones first attempt is just like that.


Thanks for the advise.
I was not expecting anything to grow,but am now very interested in growing my own and plan on trying again.
I was going to replant the big one in a 12" pot, it looks like it is budding and I thought I might have gotten lucky with a girl-how can I know for sure?