Two plants, two different problems. pics

Green Thumb MN

Active Member
My hope is this is due to spraying the leaves, causing burning??? 001.jpg003.jpg004.jpg This plant has several leaves, not all, that look like the are faded in the middle. Almost like washed out by the sun. P8140320.jpgP8140324.jpg

Green Thumb MN

Active Member
Today the roots seem to be getting yellowish brown. Must be root rot??? My sense of smell is f***ed from years of smoking, but the air tube feels slightly slimy. Suggestions??? P8150334.jpgP8150335.jpgP8150336.jpgP8150337.jpgP8150338.jpg


Well-Known Member
If your roots are slimy thats defenitely a problem although i dont believe its whats causing your leaves ti become damaged. First stop your foliar feeding , get rid of any slime, make sure your ph is balanced and its not nute lockout. If it gets worse after you stop foliar feeding then it may be nute lockout. Also make sure your lights arent to close to leds they are known to burn so thats a possibility.