two problems?


Well-Known Member

I have what appears to be two different problems.
The first one is light green patches appearing on leaves which has just happened in the last 48 hours.
Not sure if its early stage N deficiency or possibly potassium or magnesium?
I've been looking at the deficiency charts but it's hard to tell.
Second one looks like something's been eating the leaves from underneath, but I've checked extremely thoroughly for insects and can't find anything. I actually checked with a jeweller's loup because I swear to god it looks just like thrip damage and I figured that must be it because I'm doing a grow in soil which is rare for me (due to unavailability of inert media from covid 19 restrictions) and last time I did a soil grow I got thrips. So not sure whats going on there.
Growing in a mix of high quality potting mix and peat, using organic nutes. not sure of soil PH but I have fed nutes at PH6.5 and EC0.8 twice. seedlings are now 4 weeks from seed. strain is critical kush autoflowering.
Note with the two images of the suspected nutrient deficiency I did have a 3000K LED running, and in normal light the overall leaf colour is a bit greener than they look there, but there are significant light green to yellow patches.




Well-Known Member
If it were me, I'd pin down my will most likely solve your issues.
I just measured soil PH, and it is PH4.8
Seems awfully low to me, although I don't grow in soil I have always been of the understanding that PH6.0 is the target in soil.
How do you think I should go about adjusting it?
We are on well water which is currently about PH6.7. If I mix my usual nutrient mix it ends up about PH7.0 before I adjust it down to PH5.8 for hydro and coco use. I've also got a lot of potassium carbonate available which rasies PH very well. I use that when the ground water here drops to the low PH5s
What do you think?



Well-Known Member
4.8 is way too low, hence why you're having issues. As to how to raise it, that my friend will need to be asked of a soil grower. I run coco, and while I know the solution in terms of coco, I would hesitate in offering you advice for your soil grow. I'm sure there will be some here who can direct you appropriately. Sorry I couldn't be of more help, but now you know the issue, you just need to address it. Good luck.