Two Questions


Well-Known Member
I have a plant that has been the same height for a month, hasnt grown any leaves, hasnt lost any, has been the same dark green color since it stopped growing, and no yellowing, so what could be happening?

Also, is it possible to have too big of a pot? I dont think so but i can only water once every couple weeks because the soil stays so moist which leads me to think the plant that hasnt grown has root rot


Active Member
to help we will need pics, nute info, grow medium, light schedule, include everything about your grow, dont just ask a question without giving more info.


Active Member
fox farm will only have nutes for about 2 months i think. how old is your plant and how big? do you have pics?


Well-Known Member
How large is the plant, and how large is the pot? If you still have the plant in a veg cycle, then it should still grow. It sounds to me like the plant is root bound (google it). One symptom is stunted growth. You could possibly fix the situation by upgrading the pot.



Well-Known Member
no its not root bound, thats why i said i think my pots are too big, it started flowering at like 5 inches and has been the same height and hasnt grown anything in a month, my other plants only have about 3 weeks left, and no i dont have a camera


Active Member
your pot cannot be too big!thats like saying your weed is too potent lol. did you have your lights at 12\12 when it started to flower or did it just show sex?