Two Questions ....


Active Member
1. At what point do you think you need to worry about too much lighting leading to a suspicious electric bill?

2. How many people grow in rented living? If so, do you worry about your land lord and how do you get around that?


New Member
1. ALot of lights... 400 watts is less then some appliances and thats the same as 4 hundred watt lightbulbs... so that shouldent be that bad... unless you got like 4 1000 watt lamps and 400 plants in your house then you should be fine

2. i dont grow in rented living. it seems stupid but if your gonna do it hide that shit well. your landlord can come around at any time and check things. so make it look invisible or just give him some of your harvest ( j/king dont offer )

Also i would be very carefull about venting. an ozone generator or carbon filter would be good for odor elimination keep things out of sight out of smell and out of the way and you will be fine... what were you planning? all out room grow. or just a smaller cabinet


Well-Known Member
I rent :(

My landlord doesn't come around unless I call, so I've got that going for me....but yeah I'm paranoid about it


Well-Known Member
im growing in an apt,..w/ same concerns. what they say about the lighting is true,..i was so scared though to start that i started with a 70 watter. if the landlord hasnt been snoppy so far, should be good.


Active Member
I actually dont rent, i live with my parents and they dont mind that i grow. I was wondering if and when i move out if i will be able to continue growing.


New Member
you "can" do anything you want. the real question is, will you get fucked with the concequences


Well-Known Member
aww, i want a landlord like that. i live in an apartment, large complex an the people around me are ghetto an dirty. The maintainence men have come in to my house quaterly to check to roaches (everyone but me has em i guess, dirty mu'fuckas). I jus got a good box, an the maintainence guy seems pretty chill, he jus asks me if i have any, looks through a room in 2 seconds then leaves. jus distract em if they ever come in, talk about sports or something haha. the first time they came i wasnt expecting it, the plant was jus sittin the in corner with the cfl's over it (4 of em so i know it was fuckin brite). I kinda stood in front of the plant, a half ass attempt to block his line of vision, and we talked while his helper checked the kitchen an living room real quick. After that though i quickly constructed a box. no more chances haha