Two tap roots one seed.


Well-Known Member
Well heres my beautiful freak of nature!

I got this seed as a freebie from a recent order. Started germinating it 3 days ago and had not got any sign of it starting to sprout until i looked at it today. This morning nothing and now tonight TWO nice tap roots sprouted!!! Cant wait to see what happens with this!

Got it planted in some coco for now and will be updating as soon as it pops! Stay in toon!

Anybody have some info on this happening? Any ideas what to expect?


Well-Known Member
I really don't know what you might expect from this; I've never had it happen (but then, I don't pop that many new seeds). My ftrst reaction was that it may turn out to be Polyploidal, but that is just a guess! The real reason I am answering this is to give my opinion about what happened.

Humans have two kinds of Twins, Identical and Fraternal. Identical twins occure when a fertilized egg "splits" or "divides" into two seperate organisms. Fraternal twins occure when two seperate eggs are fertilized from the start.

IMHO, what you have here is the plant version of "Fraternal Twins". That is to say a single seed was germinated by two pollen grains, simultaneousely.

Even while I was writting this, it occured to me that it could be the other way around. It could be the plant version of "Identical Twins". That is to say that the seed, somehow, had a "Double" structure to begin with. I guess that would make it some kind of a mutant!

I've never run accross this before - but it's pretty cool, huh?


Well-Known Member
It's twins bro i had it happen on this grow just let them grow up out of the soil or what ever your growing in you can split them or just kill one and let the other grow i split mine up and they are both doing fine all the best and congrats on the twins


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks guys! I was thinking the same thing, im a proud father of twins!
Im actually very excited this happened as i only had one seed of this and now hopefully i can pull two plants out of this!

DirtyNerd im interested on how you did this successfully. How long did you wait to do it? I imagine if they get to big one will eventually kill the other off if i dont split them. What was your method of doing it?
Any help is appreciated!

By the way, plant is already popping out with both roots growing well. Will post more pics when it sheds it shell. Peace


Well-Known Member
The two plants will grow fine side by side. One plant doesn't kill another, that's a bunch of malarkey. Just gotta keep up with the feeding and watering cause now your feeding for 2. Also training helps to maximize the light penetration.


Well-Known Member
I had one of these last year. Eventually turned out to be a male, collected the pollen and crossed it with a few strains. Hoping I get some twins from the offspring at some point. I just let them grow together, no issues. Cheers and congrats on the twins!


Well-Known Member
Sorry for such a late update was on a trip trying out some legal bud in co.
But heres my shark shock cbd twins!
image.jpg image.jpg
Before leaving on my trip i transplanted them into just a small solo cup of organic soil and were left under a small cfl light. The growth on one is doing great and the other is a bit behind and much smaller. Both look healthy will be updating again once i transplant into a 3 gal


Well-Known Member
The two plants will grow fine side by side. One plant doesn't kill another, that's a bunch of malarkey. Just gotta keep up with the feeding and watering cause now your feeding for 2. Also training helps to maximize the light penetration.
Haha. Yeah I've seen the same claim. Absolute nonsense. The two plants will grow perfectly fine side by side. I've had it happen a few times over the years and I simply clone and sex them just like any other seedling.
Another ridiculous nonsensical myth that absolutely kills me: "Make sure to take cuts underwater in a bowl so as to avoid an air embolus."


Well-Known Member
Sorry for such a late update was on a trip trying out some legal bud in co.
But heres my shark shock cbd twins!
View attachment 3388573 View attachment 3388576
Before leaving on my trip i transplanted them into just a small solo cup of organic soil and were left under a small cfl light. The growth on one is doing great and the other is a bit behind and much smaller. Both look healthy will be updating again once i transplant into a 3 gal
Bend one over and tie it down so the other isn't shaded too much. Since they are separate plants, this method isn't redistributing auxins as in a typical training method on a single specimen, but the other plant will at least be able to catch up and stay uniform.


Well-Known Member
Bend one over and tie it down so the other isn't shaded too much. Since they are separate plants, this method isn't redistributing auxins as in a typical training method on a single specimen, but the other plant will at least be able to catch up and stay uniform.
I was going to mention the same thing, I tied mine early to open them up and avoid shading, worked great.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
The two plants will grow fine side by side. One plant doesn't kill another, that's a bunch of malarkey. Just gotta keep up with the feeding and watering cause now your feeding for 2. Also training helps to maximize the light penetration.
what happens when one gets a deficiency? how do you nurse one without hurting the other? it might work OK in some cases but it can also cause problems that you wouldn't encounter if each had their own pot.


Well-Known Member
what happens when one gets a deficiency? how do you nurse one without hurting the other? it might work OK in some cases but it can also cause problems that you wouldn't encounter if each had their own pot.
That's very true and two plants in one pot is not optimum but I've made it work with a multi strain grow and it came out pretty good. Would have been better if they were in their own pots but I only experienced one issue with two strains in the same pot with one having a deficiency and the other getting nute burn.


Well-Known Member
I use a super soil, meaning everything the plants need is in the soil, alls i have to do is water them. I havent had any deficiencys related to nutrients ever. Is there still a problem with leaving them together in this case?


Well-Known Member
I use a super soil, meaning everything the plants need is in the soil, alls i have to do is water them. I havent had any deficiencys related to nutrients ever. Is there still a problem with leaving them together in this case?
I use a supersoil too. Its just I vegged them for almost 3 months so that with flower and two plants in one pot they pretty much depleted all the nutrients out and I had to feed them from mid flower to finish.
i let my twins grow out for a while and one ended up snapping at the stem for some odd reason i believe the other plant was taking all the nutrients from the either. i agree spit them now.