Two week old plant yellowing. Should I be concerned?


Active Member
I recently noticed some small yellowing areas on my two week old plant. I'm only using about 80watts of CFLs so I don't think it could be burns from the lighting. I also discovered the yellow spots about a day before I had gave my plants its first dose of nutrients...and I only gave a very small I don't think it would be a burn from nutrients either. I'm just using regular cheap organic soil from Wal Mart, and I water about every other day with distilled water, but very lightly, just spraying the soil to get it damp and also spraying the plant down too. Maybe because I just changed the plants light schedule to 18/6 from the prior two weeks of 24 hrs on, might have something to do with it?
This is my first grow and I just wanted to see if anyone might have a good guess as to what the problem is, and help me to fix it. I don't want to miss an oppurtunity to save my plant. It's the only one I got! :sad:
I've also kinda wondered if it's just something that kind of happens to some plants and doesn't really effect the plant in a bad way, because the plant is still growing rapidly...and looks very healthy other than the small yellow spots.


Active Member
yeah it looks like maybe a little bit of nutes got on those leaves as its only on one side of the plant
i could be wrong though