Tycoons 2013 guerrila :)


Well-Known Member
so made jus about 5 dozen clones last night, black cherry soda, gdp, mr. nice and some rascal ogs :)
this leaf is off of the black cherry soda. uge for an indoor leaf!
and this is a 2 oz gold nugget! hoping I find me one of these this summer!!!!


Well-Known Member
went out today decided to wait on camping til I get a few more things together but did do scouting. found a great plot for a good amount of babies
great springs all around and not to mention the creek


Well-Known Member
well seeing as how no one seems to comment ill be only checking in and updating less... feeling kinda paranoid bout posting pics so early on anyways. well best of luck... _Tycoonbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
R u worried about federal mine inspectors checking up on ur claim. Saw them on that goldmining show on discovery do that. The spot is real nice looking.


Well-Known Member
Good luck with the grow. Will be checking in often. Keep the updates coming! I like following this format. Good to see other ppl's process.


Well-Known Member
R u worried about federal mine inspectors checking up on ur claim. Saw them on that goldmining show on discovery do that. The spot is real nice looking.
well I know for the next month while we are processing the claim papers they will be goin out and checking out coordinates and claim markers. and the spot is absolutely perfect! its on a east to west facing hill so the sun will be extreme and the elevation is around 2600 on top of the mountain ridge line. and this whole iphone thing kinda sketches me out... it always knows my current location and where my pics were takin.... jus has me thinking a bit outta control :shock: lol


Well-Known Member
Not 100% sure about the iPhone, but you can turn the location stuff off on an android phone. Maybe try looking into it.


Well-Known Member
I think I found a setting I can turn off for picture gps but im sure if the government really wanted they can abide that setting... hhhmmmm and jus turned off location services for all apps? its all confusing guess ill be an outlaw and jus see what happens. I believe in wat im doin. im not out to destroy the land we all use. im jus benefiting from gods bountiful sun and soil :) I try to give back to the earth as much as possible when possible.


Well-Known Member
sooooo pretty up here and jus sooo excited to get to work up in the mountains!!! maybe I shouldn't be wierded out by the iphone gps crap. but will play safe til federal ining claim goes thru.
and so much room to plant! now how to be sneaky with as many plants as I have???


Well-Known Member
I think I found a setting I can turn off for picture gps but im sure if the government really wanted they can abide that setting... hhhmmmm and jus turned off location services for all apps? its all confusing guess ill be an outlaw and jus see what happens. I believe in wat im doin. im not out to destroy the land we all use. im jus benefiting from gods bountiful sun and soil :) I try to give back to the earth as much as possible when possible.

Yea, there is also information imbedded into the file. There are apps out there that you can use to remove that info, but i'm not that paranoid. and I live in an illegal state. Just an outlaw farming the land...


Well-Known Member
thanx bro I think there might be some native trout here n there but sneaky lil bastards. probably would have to try fly fishing it.
I asked because every creek with a minnow in it in Cali gets hit pretty hard during trout season. I have been 2 days hike from the nearest road, along a smaller creek than that, & 3 groups worked thru in 1 day.
Good luck bro, you have your work cut out for you.

P.S. One handy tip I found was to plant in burlap bags of soil. And I'd pull the plants over sideways to keep as low profile as possible. They are gonna stand out like a NEON sign, come fall.


Well-Known Member
camoflauging my plants to blend in will be a challenge but I have a few plots that will hide them great. and will certainly be tying them down to bush em out as well as low profile.


Well-Known Member
the 3 BD clones I threw straight outside after rooting are deffinetly in flower
having a hard time uploading from photobucket so these are the two I managed to get uploaded...


Well-Known Member
so photobucket on my cell is lame.. anyone else who posts pics wit a cell know of a good photo app?? thankz _Tycoon