Tying My Baby Down, Worried.


Well-Known Member
I had 4 plants going, one wasn't showing sex for a LONG time. It was getting very tall, so I stuck her back into re-veg as an experiment.

A few weeks later, my best girl was ready to harvest (harvested Saturday) and the other 2 plants have got like 2 weeks left I think.

Well, I started flowering the girl I stuck back into reveg in the other container. It was too tall for my flowering room, so I was going to finish it out as just 12/12 in my (taller) veg area. Turns out, she got too tall for THAT too, and burned the tops of her leaves a bit on some CFL's, so I figured since I have to tie her down anyway, I might as well give her some HPS light.

I tied her down, heres a photo. Is this horrible? Shes just too tall for both my grow areas, is there a specific way I should have tied her down?

Thanks for any input! My first grow, didn't get much yeild but I am so happy to finally have gotten some buds!



Active Member
thats how u tie it down...theres many ways..but no way is the wrong way i believe anyways...and for that matter if there is enough room..(which it looks like there would be)go ahead and just lay them down on their sides..pot in all..
this will increase the light that is going straight to the bud sites..and all the branches will grow upwards towards the light as well..giving you twice as much bud...


Well-Known Member
thats how u tie it down...theres many ways..but no way is the wrong way i believe anyways...and for that matter if there is enough room..(which it looks like there would be)go ahead and just lay them down on their sides..pot in all..
this will increase the light that is going straight to the bud sites..and all the branches will grow upwards towards the light as well..giving you twice as much bud...
:shock: Really? I've never heard of that before. What should I do with the branches that are on the "floor"? Just bend them upwards?

Is it really better to lay her down sideways than to tie her over like that?

Resident Kush

Well-Known Member
just leave it as it is, this will promote lots of new growth from the bottom. Once the tip is pointing up and potentially burning again, pull just the tip down again, this will get him growing around the side of your container. Same thing with the secondary growth


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
if you tied it over and she didn't break you did it the right way.good job,and goodluck


Well-Known Member
Supercrop it! Pinch it just below a lower node and bend her right over. Tying it down takes too much work and your not gettin her down enough in those pots. Just pinch & bend the main stock right over and watch all the new growth come up.


Well-Known Member
you should really tie it away from the other plant, so theres more light on each
Those plants are kinda...well, not the best plants. The one on the right hand side Only has the main top-bud (I was experimenting again, lol) and the other one is getting adequate light. Those only have a little while left anyway :)


Well-Known Member
Well I tried doing that super cropping, the plant is now bent over pretty bad. I didn't break the stem, but its bent really bad. Is that what you meant? I hope so lmao.