Tylenol 3 Newb


Well-Known Member
Tylenol 3 = 300mg + 30mg Codeine x 15 pills

What should I do with em'? I just ate 6 thinking the wouldn't do much. I feel them quite strongly. I was wondering if taking the pills orally is my most effective means.

Man this stuff is itchier than other opioids.
Best way to consume or administer is puttin it in ur bum...not joking..but,if ur gonna do opiates,do ones that are of more pure substance..to much aspirin will fuck ur liver up...for real.
Not an ideal "fun" opiate. I'd save them for pain or a bad cough. cn

I'm noticing less euphoria and much more itchiness. Feels better than Tramadol, I'm happy.

Best way to consume or administer is puttin it in ur bum...not joking..but,if ur gonna do opiates,do ones that are of more pure substance..to much aspirin will fuck ur liver up...for real.

I've thinking about doing a CWE or something to remove the Tylenol. I may actually do this, It would be my virginity...
Cold water extract them. Tylenol is bad shit in large doses.
I'd see about converting them from an enol to a ketone.
1800mg of acetaminophen in one dose? = potential liver damage
I would not continue to due that if I were you, not to mention the constipation thats soon to follow!
Yeah never go over 1 gram of Tylenol when you're fucking with that kind of shit.
I was always wondering how to do a cold water extraction.
Crush the pills up add a little ice cold water, stir it up for a minute and filter the solids out.
The solids are the stuff that doesn't dissolve. For 9 percocets probably 15mL (0.5 oz) of water but you may want to rinse the stuff filtered out with a few map of water because some of the water with the actives will get held up in there.
Speak english lol I have no clue what your saying. Would I do this in a measuring cup and measure out .5 oz of cold water then pour it ontop of the crushed up Percocet's then stir for a minute and pour out the stuff that dosen't dissolve?
I'm lost
Shot glasses work very well. I gave measurements in English and metric. If you're not familiar with ounces and milliliters then I am sorry but your elementary school failed you.
Do a CWE and "plug" em.Its not dignified, but it gets the job done. or should I have said "butt it gets the job done"
Ill break this down for TrippyTard : APAP or what you would call tie-len-aww is fairly soluble in warm water. however its not very soluble in cold water. You still with me? or was soluble too much for you?

Take your pills and crush them to a fine powder.
Add them to a small amount of warm water. When I say warm I mean like pool water, like 70 degrees f.
stir/shake for at least a minute
Now you can either add ice or put your solution in the freezer. If your adding ice, then shake/stir for at least a minute. If your using the freezer check it every 10 minutes. You don't want it to freeze. I take it out when i see a skim of ice forming on the top.
By making the water cold most of the apap is in a solid form in the bottom, the good stuff is in the water.
there's plenty of ways to filter it, I prefer a piece of old t shirt rubber banded to the opening of a glass. try to leave a little bit of a well for the liquid.
Try to pour it through quickly wile the waters still ice cold
squeeze the last drops from the filter
You are left with extremely bitter tasting opiated water

You are still on my ignore list, as I'm sure your responsible for most of our trolling... However I am an advocate of harm reduction.... even when it comes to the likes of you.
Not an ideal "fun" opiate. I'd save them for pain or a bad cough. cn

Best advise yet. It's only codeine but when I was younger one or two with a few shots of Jack and good weed usually worked nicely but since I've gotten older I'd just save them for gout or whatever is hurting that day. That fucking Tylenol that's in there is dangerous crap.
Just using ice water to do a wash works quite well IME and is much faster. Dissolving and then precipitating the APAP probably improves yield slightly but it takes a lot longer. Probably a good idea to save the filter cake and when you have a bunch dissolve it and then precipitate out the APAP.
Generally with opioids plugging has the highest bioavailability ROA that doesn't involve injection (and it kicks in almost as fast as IV).