Type II Diabetes ... what now ?

On youtube there is a Penn Gillette interview from Penn & Teller. Those guys make mega bucks in Vegas. He is about 6'5" or taller and was up to over 340 lbs. He had young kids and probably a young wife and is now age 61. He had major blood pressure problems and worse.

He lost 100 lbs but did semi-weird fasting to mentally change his mind about food. I think the first 2 weeks he had a boiled potato each day.

He said get the weight off then exercise.
His idea is to mentally break yourself from being a slave to food.

I disagree. Do both. Find an exercise you like - walking, jogging, elipitical or a bike. I can tell you if you have hills like in parts of Colorado. You can walk it off. Probably the easiest and most likeable is biking. Wear a helmet and get a decent bike. If you have decent weather and decent roads you can do about 20 miles in 90 minutes.

See if there is a Planet Fitness around. They have a special I think until the 25th of this month $10 to start and $10 a month. Watch videos on youtube about hitt training also know as intervals. 2 minutes slow, 30 seconds full out for about 10 intervals. If you are way overweight, start walking first cause HITT or interval training gets your heart going.

Add some apple cider vinegar to your water. Other things you can get in capsules like ACV are Cinnamon, bitter melon, alpha liphoic acid, chromium piccolate, magnesium and postassium. All good for lowering blood sugar.

This looks pretty good. 1 per day so for $19 you are covered for half a year.

Lots of good stuff on youtube. One of the weight training guys said mentally get the idea of 3 meals a day. He said the one to surely lose is breakfast. His idea is to fast during the day.

Look at the labels on salad dressing and everything else and stay away from sugars. Oil and vinegar are the safest. ACV is good. The saying is stay on the edges of the supermarket. The middle has all the boxed crap filled with garbage.
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My father was diagnosed when he was 38 years old.

He's near the end now. His kidneys are pretty much completely gone. The good folks at Vanderbilt University Hospital hooked him up with some plumbing so he can do his dialysis at home while he sleeps. He plugs up and goes to bed around 9, wakes up about 7.

He still gets around decently for a guy as far gone as he is...especially at age 79.
My pop's passed away at 65
He had diabetes and cancer and the last several years of his life he was miserable.
After his death I started to change my life style. I weighed 270 lbs and had a 40" waist when I decided to do something about my situation. I began exercising trying to build my stamina and changed my diet.
I dropped 60 lbs in the first 18 months.
I still workout 4 times a week . I don't watch watch my diet as closely as I once did but I've managed to keep off the weight. Atm I weigh 208 lbs and have a 33" waist . I've been doing this for 5 years . I'm very proud of my accomplishment ! This past week I finally took all of my old clothes out of my closet and took them to a homeless shelter the next town over.
I'd hate to think what shape I'd be in now if I hadn't taken the steps I did to get healthier.
I turned 62 last month and I feel fantastic. According to my doctor I'm in great shape .
I've got 4 grandchildren ranging in age from 9 months to 7 years old.
I plan on being around to see them all graduate high school and hopefully college ! To anyone out there who may be thinking of beginning a lifestyle change to get healthy start small and remain diligent. Once you start to see change it becomes easier !
Good luck !
I turned 62 last month and I feel fantastic. According to my doctor I'm in great shape .

From your user name I thought you might have been born the same year as me. ;)

Wish I were in great shape but not so much. I'm hypoglycemic rather than diabetic. Still weigh the same 140 - 150 I did at 18 and my 32" jeans still fit fine tho I haven't done regular exercise in years. I'm on a caffeine and nicotine diet. Might kill me but I'll die skinny! lol

I'm dead set against junk food so there's little ready to eat stuff in our house. Haven't had a can of pop for a decade or a Big Mac in almost 40 years. I started becoming food conscious as a teen and take quite a few supplements. Zinc and stuff for the prostate an others to cover what I might not be getting in my food.

From your user name I thought you might have been born the same year as me. ;)

Wish I were in great shape but not so much. I'm hypoglycemic rather than diabetic. Still weigh the same 140 - 150 I did at 18 and my 32" jeans still fit fine tho I haven't done regular exercise in years. I'm on a caffeine and nicotine diet. Might kill me but I'll die skinny! lol

I'm dead set against junk food so there's little ready to eat stuff in our house. Haven't had a can of pop for a decade or a Big Mac in almost 40 years. I started becoming food conscious as a teen and take quite a few supplements. Zinc and stuff for the prostate an others to cover what I might not be getting in my food.

I supplement as well plus fiber I do eat the occasional fast food burger. Heart attacks , strokes and diabetes have taken out almost all of my dad's siblings over the last 20 years. Something else might get me but it shouldn't be a heart attack ,stroke or diabetes. I admire anyone who can give up something and stay away from it.
I go extended periods of time and don't drink sodas or eat bread or sweets but I always seem to be unable to cut them out
completely .
I commend you my friend !
I commend you my friend !

Thanks but a lot of it is I got good genes from my birth parents I guess. Never had problems with weight and seem to self regulate that way. When idle my appetite just seems to fade away but when I was working fulltime at a physical job I could eat much larger guys under the table. :)

Still have all my hair too and it's half way down my back with most of it's nice red colour to boot. Very slowly receding in the front but not looking like balding yet. Still wake up with a boner every morning and wish the wife was as pleased about it as I am. LOL

Other than arthritis I'm doing lots better than other 65 year olds. I take no pharma meds at all and maybe an aspirin twice a month when the joint pain is really harsh and I haven't been taking my CBD cocobudder often enough in the evening. Mornings are the worst.

I avoid anything with high fructose corn syrup which here in Canada is on the ingredients list as glucose-fructose. So no HP sauce, Miracle Whip, Campbell's tomato soup, any sodas and a myriad of other tasty yet toxic snacks. I also avoid like the plague any artificial sweeteners/colours.

Made myself a grounding device that I sleep with and it seems to be helping with the joint pain and the twitch in my left eyelid. That was driving me crazy it would get so bad the last year or so. Doc said botox could fix it but I'd rather not. Seems to be helping with the prostate as well as I'm sleeping all night without having to get up to pee at all now and I sip on coffee right up to bed time.

Sux getting old but the alternative is worse. ;)
