Calling the unemployed lazy freeloaders is pretty much ignorant and mean. I'm sure you could find a few miscreants, but there are always that percentage in the society as a whole. I'd venture to say that at least 98% of the unemployed would love a decent job. Problem is, there are none. What we need, since there are no jobs, is permanent unemployment insurance compensation untill jobs come back. We could start by eliminating foriegn student Visas, then send all foriegn workers back home. Now the jobs that would be created would be shown to the unemployed and if thery were qualified and refused to take it, they would be dropped from the roles. Hopefully we would eliminate unemployment entirely. We must stop the influx of foriegners, legal or not. We don't have enough jobs to go around and filling what we do have with foriegners is totally insane. We might need an employment tzar, heck I'd take that job. I'd show up at a factory/field and demand to see the SS cards, I'd run the cards and any and all that were bogus would be rounded up and sent to a "Fema" (LOL) camp to await extradition. Of course we'd have to make sure the border was Impenetrable.
although I am dead set against a permanent unemployment anything, but your ideas to send foreign workers back home and deny any other Visas plus the idea that if the unemployed were offered a job and refused and so would be taken off the roles is a VERY GOOD IDEA!!!
The influx of Mexicans will never stop until we either have all of Mexico's oil ( they provide 40% of ours) or all of their citizens. As long as Mexico provides oil we keep the border basically open, thats the agreement between Mexico and the US.