Types of libertarians


Oh my! A Progressive is calling me names. :cry:

An individual who presumably believes in wealth redistribution; and a massive, over-reaching Federal government thinks I am a doofus.

Whatever shall I do?

repeat after me:

fuck it, dude. let's go bowling.
Instead of Bowling why don't we all jump in my Airplane and go to a warm sunny place?


Zenith CH801. Built it myself. Takes off and lands in under 300 feet with 4 passengers.
Instead of Bowling why don't we all jump in my Airplane and go to a warm sunny place?

Zenith CH801. Built it myself. Takes off and lands in under 300 feet with 4 passengers.

very cool stuff and a good idea. i can walk to the local municipal airport, so it's a deal. can that thing go from portland to hawaii without refueling?
very cool stuff and a good idea. i can walk to the local municipal airport, so it's a deal. can that thing go from portland to hawaii without refueling?
Don't need an airport, take off from my back yard, land in yours. Its a bit limited in range 300-400 with passengers with extra fuel on board can extend that to 600.
Don't need an airport, take off from my back yard, land in yours. Its a bit limited in range 300-400 with passengers with extra fuel on board can extend that to 600.

my backyard is only 60x75 :(

have fun in warmer locales. bring :joint:

and maybe a e few skanky hoes ;)
repeat after me:

fuck it, dude. let's go bowling.
"Am I wrong?"

"Yeah, but...."

"Am I wrong?"

"No Walter. You're not wrong. You're just a fucking asshole!"

"Okay, then."

Damn, I love that film. I'm looking forward to the next Cohen Bros. production, True Grit. I understand they went back to the original source material, the novel. So it should be a little different from the John Wayne version.

I doubt I'll see it in the theater. The last movie I saw in the theater was The Dark Knight. Modern theaters sorta creep me out. They are comfortable and all, but there is some quality I find unsettling. I long for the days of the massive old movie houses.

I saw The Empire Strikes Back in the Ridglea Theater on Camp Bowie Boulevard in Fort Worth the day it was released. What an experience!

It's a mostly live venue now. At least it's still standing.
"Am I wrong?"

"Yeah, but...."

"Am I wrong?"

"No Walter. You're not wrong. You're just a fucking asshole!"

"Okay, then."

"They threatened castration, are we going to split hairs here?"

that movie is fucking classic!

i could say the same about almost any cohen bros film.

had no idea they had another movie lined up, will have to catch up on the original version. thanks for the heads up.

back to the fighting now.

it looks like brown and snowe are going to approve a stand alone DADT repeal, which means enough for votes for DADT to go down. as a raging liberal, i am happy about this. what sayeth the not so raging liberals?
Yeah, it opens December 22nd. Critics are calling it the best film of the year. Some going as far as saying it may be the second best film the brothers have ever made after Miller's Crossing.

The John Wayne version is excellent and definitely worth seeing. The Duke earned his one and only Oscar for playing the role of the anti-hero Rooster Cogburn. Now the Dude is filling his boots.

I mean, just look at this and tell me you don't want to see it.


And for comparison, the original:


On gays in the military, you won't get much argument from me. I only have one misgiving. My first and strongest inclination is to let them serve. However, I am concerned about what effect it will have on combat effectiveness. Support service members outnumber actual fighting men in the military at least eight to one, so I see absolutely no problem there.

But it's the guys who do the fighting, the combat arms units. I am not talking about cooks, supply clerks, and personnel administrators. I am talking about infantry, artillery, and cavalry. What effect will it have on them in terms of unit cohesiveness, esprit d'corps, and morale?

So let them serve, but perhaps we should give the generals and admirals some discretion.
it looks like brown and snowe are going to approve a stand alone DADT repeal, which means enough for votes for DADT to go down. as a raging liberal, i am happy about this. what sayeth the not so raging liberals?

I could care less if Gays are in the Military, they are already there and nothing bad happens. They have always been there. If you want to be Gay that's perfectly fine by me as long as it doesn't harm me. I could care less if you were open about it.

In fact I don't feel that I have any say whatsoever what other people do as long as they aren't hurting anyone.
well, it looks like it just got repealed. that was quicker than expected action from perhaps the most deliberative body in the world.

a :joint: for all the :hump:'s that like to :hump: other :hump:'s of the same smiley gender.
Yeah, it opens December 22nd. Critics are calling it the best film of the year. Some going as far as saying it may be the second best film the brothers have ever made after Miller's Crossing.

The John Wayne version is excellent and definitely worth seeing. The Duke earned his one and only Oscar for playing the role of the anti-hero Rooster Cogburn. Now the Dude is filling his boots.

I mean, just look at this and tell me you don't want to see it.


And for comparison, the original:


On gays in the military, you won't get much argument from me. I only have one misgiving. My first and strongest inclination is to let them serve. However, I am concerned about what effect it will have on combat effectiveness. Support service members outnumber actual fighting men in the military at least eight to one, so I see absolutely no problem there.

But it's the guys who do the fighting, the combat arms units. I am not talking about cooks, supply clerks, and personnel administrators. I am talking about infantry, artillery, and cavalry. What effect will it have on them in terms of unit cohesiveness, esprit d'corps, and morale?

So let them serve, but perhaps we should give the generals and admirals some discretion.

How could it be that I also want to see "True Grit", curses. I think I'll go clean the guns to get my dander up.
Uncle Buck says: "and as far as what i would do to cut the gap....

raise the ss age a shitload. it was never meant to take care of people with so many years left. also, raise the cap on earnings from 107k to as high as i fucking could. allow for early entry into ss at a reduced benefit table.

This may be fine for people that pushed a desk for 50 years, but us "workers" that actually did work, made things with our hands and bodies, created something out of nothing sacrificing our bodies in the process could not work into the 70s. I personally have arthritus in all my joints and literally would be a cripple on a physical job at my age. The gorilla in the closet on SS is not to make people work longer, it is to remove the cap on SS deductions. Why should the wealthy be let off the hook? If one makes over 106,000, they are not required to pay on anything over that, rediculous. If everyone had to pay on all their income, SS would be solvent 100 years into the future, no problemo
How could it be that I also want to see "True Grit", curses. I think I'll go clean the guns to get my dander up.
My guess is you want to see it because it's a damn fine picture.

I saw it and I am glad I did. I was very impressed. But that's not saying much because the Cohen Brothers rarely disappoint me.

The ending is different, truer to the book. And instead of the Duke hamming it up with a patch over his left eye; you have the Dude filling in quite nicely - patch over the right eye instead.

The Golden Globes snubbed the film. I'm not sure what is says that a bunch of foreign film critics don't like it. The film does not lecture the viewer about the bad treatment of Native Americans in that era. There is no allegory referring to the disappearing rain forests. It's simply a straight-up story being told and it makes no apologies. Perhaps they didn't like it because it's a very American story and they just didn't get it. Fuck the Foreign Press Association.
This may be fine for people that pushed a desk for 50 years, but us "workers" that actually did work, made things with our hands and bodies, created something out of nothing sacrificing our bodies in the process could not work into the 70s. I personally have arthritus in all my joints and literally would be a cripple on a physical job at my age. The gorilla in the closet on SS is not to make people work longer, it is to remove the cap on SS deductions. Why should the wealthy be let off the hook? If one makes over 106,000, they are not required to pay on anything over that, rediculous. If everyone had to pay on all their income, SS would be solvent 100 years into the future, no problemo

i like the idea of raising the cap better as well. i just think that ss was originally started as an end of life support system, and people are living longer. no doubt you have a point about those that sacrifice their bodies for a living rather than pushing papers.

i've been out in the garage building the last few days, and even though i'm a young lad, my body feels it.
This may be fine for people that pushed a desk for 50 years, but us "workers" that actually did work, made things with our hands and bodies, created something out of nothing sacrificing our bodies in the process could not work into the 70s.

You say that like somehow, a rich person is responsible for the retirement of a worker that didnt push a desk... Again, you are simply pushing socialism and re-distribution of wealth from the haves to the have nots...
My guess is you want to see it because it's a damn fine picture.

I saw it and I am glad I did. I was very impressed. But that's not saying much because the Cohen Brothers rarely disappoint me.

The ending is different, truer to the book. And instead of the Duke hamming it up with a patch over his left eye; you have the Dude filling in quite nicely - patch over the right eye instead.

The Golden Globes snubbed the film. I'm not sure what is says that a bunch of foreign film critics don't like it. The film does not lecture the viewer about the bad treatment of Native Americans in that era. There is no allegory referring to the disappearing rain forests. It's simply a straight-up story being told and it makes no apologies. Perhaps they didn't like it because it's a very American story and they just didn't get it. Fuck the Foreign Press Association.

My my, such blatant abhorance of the foriegn press. I guess you aren't interested in the truth, just the Jingoism of the "free" American press then (He says laughing out loud)?
My my, such blatant abhorance of the foriegn press. I guess you aren't interested in the truth, just the Jingoism of the "free" American press then (He says laughing out loud)?
My guess is that you'll be missing it.... So be it.

After all, it was produced by a couple of money-grubbing Jews!

And it features no drowning polar bears.

Heavens to Betsy!

Yeah, I continue to laugh at your decrepit and stupid ass.

My guess is that you'll be missing it.... So be it.

After all, it was produced by a couple of money-grubbing Jews!

And it features no drowning polar bears.

Heavens to Betsy!

Yeah, I continue to laugh at your decrepit and stupid ass.


Decrepit and stupid, boy, you are slithering ever lower in your abhorance of the truth. I guess you actually believe all the Jingoism then? Talk about stupid. So, do you march around your house in your red, white, and blue striped jammies whistling Yankee doodle dandee? I'll bet you do, all the while worshiping at the screen of the Beckster and the Drugster, (Rush). Ya man, and I'm stupid??
Decrepit and stupid, boy, you are slithering ever lower in your abhorance of the truth. I guess you actually believe all the Jingoism then? Talk about stupid. So, do you march around your house in your red, white, and blue striped jammies whistling Yankee doodle dandee? I'll bet you do, all the while worshiping at the screen of the Beckster and the Drugster, (Rush). Ya man, and I'm stupid??
Do you even know the definition of jingoism?

Or are you simply repeating something you heard Chris Matthews say?

I do not recall anything remotely jingoistic about True Grit. I simply said it was an American story which did not lecture the audience on the liberal social issue du jour.

Did you even see the picture? Based on the way you are talking out your cornhole, I would guess you have not.

You would not recognize the truth if it were to take a shit on your forehead.

You make stupid look like an attractive option.