Types of Light from HD


Well-Known Member
you can buy low wattage metal halide and hps fixtures at home depot.
they also sell sunlight t8 fluorescent fixtures.
they also sell high wattage cfl bulbs.

figure out how you want to grow and then visit the depot.
they have everything.


Active Member

Illegal Smile

cfls are cheaper and may be the place to get started. $2w cfls are usually the best value in watts/dollar. They run $5-8, I get mine from amazon. Make sure you get both 6500k and 2700k spectrum, often called daylight and soft white respectively. You will want about 70% of your wattage 6500 in veg and then 70% 2700 in flower.


Active Member
not true...equal 2700k to 6500k produces really good results ask roseman....he does equal and hes got some of the best visual results I've seen. Yes these bulbs are very cheap the only problem with getting a bunch of smaller ones is that you run out of places to put them