Types of LSD Crystal AND how to lay it-THE TRUE DEADHEAD WAY

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Leave a CO brotha some under a rock in the lower south lot at red rocks!! My best luck now days is random people at shows, and y'all know how that usually goes.


some of US don't , apparently.
"nothing shaking on shakedown street?"
Leave a CO brotha some under a rock in the lower south lot at red rocks!! My best luck now days is random people at shows, and y'all know how that usually goes.
Ya thats the problem people cutting vials and all that bullshit. Its laid to weak anymore imho. Pushers just wanna drop there pockets and don't even kno half the time what they actually have. It's nice when those cats come to get there love from you. My good friend says it best "Poser Fam" deep down inside they are Custie's that went out and bought a pair a wings. They don't care about a message and they don't care about you.


some of US don't , apparently.
"nothing shaking on shakedown street?"

Jeeez Heatless didn't you read the warning on the syringe......"For Veterinarian use only":D:D:D
Ya thats the problem people cutting vials and all that bullshit. Its laid to weak anymore imho. Pushers just wanna drop there pockets and don't even kno half the time what they actually have. It's nice when those cats come to get there love from you. My good friend says it best "Poser Fam" deep down inside they are Custie's that went out and bought a pair a wings. They don't care about a message and they don't care about you.

Jeeez Heatless didn't you read the warning on the syringe......"For Veterinarian use only":D:D:D
You can really tell who is real or not unless you over analyze things.

the listen movement (;
You have to over analyze round here. D*ckheads on the reg try passing 2ci and nbome off. Hell me and @rory420420 speculate that a batch of LSA was goin round after a few rather nasty experiences.
Shit like that always gives 2ci and nbome's a bad name, 2c-x's are especially amazing if you're intending on taking them and nbomes are surprisingly pleasant as well from my experience. All I ever hear is people hating on those drugs but it seems like the majority of people have an unjust hatred of them purely because they're sold it instead of acid
Nbome has a lethal level if i am correct? Like 25i ...I dont think eating a 10 strip of nbome would be as nice to you as a strip of L. Cant do any of the 2's lol they all make be puke profusely. One night I ate 2 NP doses and was feeling amazing thought it was time to throw in a 25 mg 2cb. Ended up puking and puking and puking some more. But I will say the experience was one of the most amazing trips I have ever had ....it laid me down, I had a blue curtain and each time I looked at it it changed colors.Vibrant purple,greens,pinks it couldnt make up its mind what color it wanted to be. It just sat that there waving off the wall even tho there was no wind. My kitchen opened up into an amphitheatre of friends I sat there and observed as the walls behind them (have a funky blue white paints scheme) ran like waterfalls clear as could be they were so beautiful. My friends would talk to me and there bodies would float across even though they weren't moving....It was almost as if you where catching the bond of the conversation or interaction of souls? Whatever you want to call it. Everyone had there own aura's. So, there I was frying balls and my mamma who knos me toooo well puts on "So many Roads" Then it made sense it all made sense. Every lyric of the song Jerry put his soul into that song I believe. He told his story in that song too I believe, and he did it perfectly I believe.
Nbome has a lethal level if i am correct? Like 25i ...I dont think eating a 10 strip of nbome would be as nice to you as a strip of L. Cant do any of the 2's lol they all make be puke profusely. One night I ate 2 NP doses and was feeling amazing thought it was time to throw in a 25 mg 2cb. Ended up puking and puking and puking some more. But I will say the experience was one of the most amazing trips I have ever had ....it laid me down, I had a blue curtain and each time I looked at it it changed colors.Vibrant purple,greens,pinks it couldnt make up its mind what color it wanted to be. It just sat that there waving off the wall even tho there was no wind. My kitchen opened up into an amphitheatre of friends I sat there and observed as the walls behind them (have a funky blue white paints scheme) ran like waterfalls clear as could be they were so beautiful. My friends would talk to me and there bodies would float across even though they weren't moving....It was almost as if you where catching the bond of the conversation or interaction of souls? Whatever you want to call it. Everyone had there own aura's. So, there I was frying balls and my mamma who knos me toooo well puts on "So many Roads" Then it made sense it all made sense. Every lyric of the song Jerry put his soul into that song I believe. He told his story in that song too I believe, and he did it perfectly I believe.

Nbome can definitely be lethal that's the huge problem with it being sold as acid, a strong nbome dose is about 1mg but people have overdosed on as low as 3mg if they're sensitive to it so it's a huge deal it being sold as something else. However like any drug if you use it responsibly it's not a problem, I actually prefer doing 25i-nbome a lot of the time compared to acid especially at like parties or social events because I find the acid fucking with my head too much to be social on however 25i-nbome is very clear headed with beautiful visuals so perfect for a party psychedelic.

2cb is actually my favorite drug, it is astoundingly beautiful but a lot of people do get nausea with the 2c series. Luckily I only get it when doing crazy doses eg the first time doing 2ci and being given it from someone who didn't know what it was and snorting 4 lines of it, safe to say that was one crazy trip considering 2ci fucks with your head more than acid even on a regular dose which is only supposed to be 10-12.5mg snorted or 20-25mg oral
Nbome has a lethal level if i am correct? Like 25i ...I dont think eating a 10 strip of nbome would be as nice to you as a strip of L. Cant do any of the 2's lol they all make be puke profusely. One night I ate 2 NP doses and was feeling amazing thought it was time to throw in a 25 mg 2cb. Ended up puking and puking and puking some more. But I will say the experience was one of the most amazing trips I have ever had ....it laid me down, I had a blue curtain and each time I looked at it it changed colors.Vibrant purple,greens,pinks it couldnt make up its mind what color it wanted to be. It just sat that there waving off the wall even tho there was no wind. My kitchen opened up into an amphitheatre of friends I sat there and observed as the walls behind them (have a funky blue white paints scheme) ran like waterfalls clear as could be they were so beautiful. My friends would talk to me and there bodies would float across even though they weren't moving....It was almost as if you where catching the bond of the conversation or interaction of souls? Whatever you want to call it. Everyone had there own aura's. So, there I was frying balls and my mamma who knos me toooo well puts on "So many Roads" Then it made sense it all made sense. Every lyric of the song Jerry put his soul into that song I believe. He told his story in that song too I believe, and he did it perfectly I believe.
I was there it was amazing lol
Shit like that always gives 2ci and nbome's a bad name, 2c-x's are especially amazing if you're intending on taking them and nbomes are surprisingly pleasant as well from my experience. All I ever hear is people hating on those drugs but it seems like the majority of people have an unjust hatred of them purely because they're sold it instead of acid
No,its cause THAT shit unregulated WILL kill you.
I like em as well.but too many fucky mofos out there..eat tenstip of fluff,awesome...eat 10mg of nbome.may you rest in peace.
No,its cause THAT shit unregulated WILL kill you.
I like em as well.but too many fucky mofos out there..eat tenstip of fluff,awesome...eat 10mg of nbome.may you rest in peace.

Without a doubt, I more meant people disliking them because all they hear is that shit will kill you but that's only because some dumb ass people think its okay to risk someones life for some money. If people were actually responsible and didn't put that kind of shit on tabs and sell it as acid there'd be a lot more people into the nbome series and things like that, most people i know won't even try it because they think it'll kill you which if used responsibly and in moderation it's no worse than doing any other drugs.

I'm always sad when someone selling acid goes to jail but if you say you're selling acid and you're putting anything but acid on those tabs you deserve to be in there
"I will discuss LSD crystal and what happens with it. This info is from my experiences a long time ago.I can safely offer it because I have retired from this line of work and stay far away from it.

First I will briefly discuss the people or family as there called so you can get an appreciation for what they do and have done. The family is motivated to spread LSD because we believe that LSD is a key givin to us from above. LSD was givin to man from god to help him see the error of his ways. Why do you think it was discovered during the most horrible time in history. It is the antidote for the atomic bomb. It`s doesn`t matter if you beleive this or not ,because what i`m trying to express is how deeply important the family feels about the sacred value of LSD. Those who are at the upper level`s of the family will gladly sacrifice there lifes and freedom to do this work.

OK now down to the crystal. I have little knowlege about LSD manufacture so i`m going to talk about the final product the crystal. On tour crystal came in brown glass bottles with 1-10 grams in them. The bottles were sealed and contained CO2 and crystal. You can`t just buy crystal from family. First you have to be taught how to lay it ,which i`ll cover in a little bit. Also you have to do a THUMBPRINT(eat it) there are no exeptions to this rule.The reason is to make sure your Karma is clean enough to handle this sacred work.



Needlepoint -very pure(95%) white powerdery crystal,was available in small amount`s. The best of the best

White Fluff -Very pure(95%) white light flakes of crystal. Still around and the most sought after. very pure

Silver -Good and clean(85-90%)-light greyish crystal. Was an unbelievable amount of this around in the late eighty`s and early nineties. Very good stuff. My first thumbprint was this kind. If you ate acid in the 80-90`s you probably sampled some silver.

Amber -Decent(70%?) This crystal varied from a light amber color to an almost dark brown color.Was always available.One batch called quadricept amber was the color of light honey and was very good.Lot`s a people worked with this crystal but I always would use silver instead since it was better and the same price.

Lavender -(60-70%?) light purple to almost black colored crystal. Like amber it varied batch to batch.

TJ (tornado juice) - purity unknown. I seen this shit in about four different colors and it always scared me. No experiance with it.

Champagne -(50-60%) black crystal, nasty stuff IMHO. I worked with it once and swore to never touch it again.


OK so you got some crystal and need to get it on blotter. It`s a pretty amazing feeling holding a jar in your hands that has 10 grams of crystal in it. That`s 100,000 doses in the palm of your hand. For dealing with laying we`ll say we got 1 gram. Acid is always layed 1 gram=10 tenpacks. A tenpack is tensheets. 1gram=10,000doses. If your laying needlpoint your doses will be 95mcg, because your crystal is 95% pure. If your laying amber your shit will be 70mcg, because it`s 70% pure. got it

Now you get a glass pyrex pan to dip your tenpacks in. Your crystal is dissovled into 110ml. of everclear per gram.The purer crystals dissolve instantly with a little stirring. The not so pure take a little shaking. Champange is damn near impossible to get to dissolve evenly.

Paper-for white blotter standard watercolor paper#14 or equivalent is used. It`s critical you get the right paper. If you don`t it won`t absorb right and you`ll fuck it all up.Print`s are made up ahead of time and perferated.

OK so you got your crystal dissolved and your paper cut and ready. There are 2 schools when it comes to putting it on the paper. First dump the solution in the pan and dip each tenpack into it then lift it up and let any excess solution run off into the pan. Second method is to put the tenpack into the pan and squirt the solution on it with a baby syringe(the ones they give little kids medicine with). I Have done both and prefer dipping them just because its quicker .Then the tenpacks are layed out to dry which doesn`t take long since alcohol evaporates quickly. If you did it right there will be very little residue left in the bottom of the pan.This redidue is extremely potent and is either soaked up with a piece of paper(called mop up) or made into potent liquid(called wash). Whatever you choose this is saved for your personal use. While your doing all this you get very,very high. As soon as you open the jar of crystal it intoxicates the air. Most people were rubber gloves when doing this some don`t. Just don`t have any plans afterwards.

There might be slightly different methods used when laying, but this is how the dead family does it. After the tenpacks are dryed there distibuted and eaten up. Since the end of the Grateful Dead the massive distribution network that used to get rid of so much acid has been broken up badly. Never fear Acid is still out there"

What is a "thumbprint"?.....Click Here


"LSD is still around though it seems that a majority of the labs are inactive at the moment. This is normal as they don`t produce all the time. Most like the silver family only produce about every 5 years. Though they usually produce enough to last that long.

When the Grateful Dead toured massive amount`s of LSD were distributed around the country. On a typical east coast tour 100-150grams could easily be sold. Thats a million to a million and a half doses. This flooded these citys and the lsd trickled down to every nook and cranny of america. By the time it was dry again another tour would roll through the region and resupply it. Plus we would meet people on tour from certain area`s of the country and keep them supplied with the help of the good ole USPS.

Sadly when the dead stopped touring this network went into shambles. People fell out of touch and with no shows ,there wasn`t the marketplace for distibution.In turn parts of the country arn`t getting saturated anymore.

By the way the Kansas bust was not a family lab incase anybody is wondering. The point i`m trying to make is the family believes LSD has to move through the right hands. This is why you can`t go down to the corner and get a gram of crystal. sorry to ramble.

As some of the cooks retire i rest assure you that they pass there recipes and secret`s down to those chosen to continue to fight the good fight. I don`t think it will ever be as readily available all over the country as it once was due to the break up of the distribution cycle of tour. I could be wrong and hope i am.

Alot of old family have moved on and including myself retired, feeling we served our time. The family does hear your cry`s for more acid and they don`t plan on giving up on mankind. Now's a good time for labs to be inactive. the current government administration is viewed as a bad storm that needs to pass as Jerry sang....
"all good things in all good time" Keep the faith"
Do we wear the same shoes? Lol the family! couldn't have said it better my self.
No,its cause THAT shit unregulated WILL kill you.
I like em as well.but too many fucky mofos out there..eat tenstip of fluff,awesome...eat 10mg of nbome.may you rest in peace.
Not true I've personally consumed 20+ 500 -1000 mic hits of 2cinbome and I'm writing this :P
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