Ate a strip of 250 garcia tye-dye's 1 time I got from some of my peep's @ Phil Leash and friends sho. I will emphasize the one time part here. Set/setting/whats going on around you all of that did not matter you just lay there ...its the come up thats brutal and tears away at you from all sides panic/pain/life every sensation and emotion is stripped from you you see whats around yet you dont you see through it you see in spectrum I guess or kaleidoscope I dunno maybe both... then comes the peace and the learning or yearning whichever it is because you kno there is sooo much more out there you just can take it its as if the powers that be play a big joke on you "We will show you that there is more and we will let you ponder it but only for a moment" because when its over you could meditate for years in deep thought and not grasp probably any true meaning from it. Why because your not wired too. But at the time it all makes sense. Thats the big joke thats played.
"One's ability to Love is equal to but no greater then one's ability to hate" Ponder that then eat some doses
.02 Nbome has put plenty of people in the hospital. If you want functioning breakthrough mix 2cb with love and do it with some other true friends. I eat it up when people talk about this shit like its a fucking drug, Its a fucking awakening, it finds you because people love you enough to kno you need these things they have deep spiritual effects unique to each individual. There are three sides to a triangle We will name them DMT,LSD, and Psilocin now draw a arc between the points and you have a circle stray far from the circle and you are no longer experiencing what these joke players have gifted you.