I make it a personal mission to study marijuana laws from all over the world because of my own spiritual beliefs about marijuana.
UK law is completely different from American law,we have trade agreements over tobacco,cotton,alcohol etc.. with America and many other issues that are surrounding the facts of marijuana.
If cannabis becomes something we can trade with America without breaching our trade agreements they will legalize it here but i think that in all reality they don't want people to have marijuana for a million reasons.
Lets be honest,all though it is a step in the right direction,i shouldnt have to be ill to make a rollup without being put in prison.
You dont need a license to go and get drunk why should i need one to smoke in my own home?
Illusion and reality are very different and often hard to tell apart.
They have already openly opposed and disobeyed the president.
Their excuse was they were following the "law" as set by the Bush admin and that most of the officials in the DEA were appointed by Bush.
Anyway like i have said i truly hope that Americans some day get some real freedom and don't end up with chips under their skin and needing a license to skin one up