U.S. Driving High - Got any tips?

Why the hell do people drive while high?

Back when I tried to drive when high, I drove 20 miles per hour under the speed limit, and I couldn't remember if I had looked both ways before proceeding through a stop sign. I was very dangerous.

And so is everyone else who drives high.

So my tip for driving while high is: don't. Be responsible and don't work against the fight to make MJ legal by becoming a negative statistic.
20 years ago a buddy and I were at a party nobody there smoked so we hung out in the garage with the cars and smoked until morning, my buddy was way to high to drive and so was I but I offered, we were doing 60 in an 80 zone and were soooo paranoid lmao!! Now I would never even consider driving under the influence of anything, find yourself with a criminal record, can't travel everywhere internationally, anyone with a record here is fucked royally. 10 years after the mistake you can apply for a pardon LMAO!! like the damage hasn't already been done.
On the roads I drive it's required. I'm well over 60, never been stopped. I drive 60 miles one way to work. Rush hour morning and evening. Wreck on 275 on the way home. Nobody pays attention. I'm about done. 6 months. I carry j's in a screw top cylinder. Easy to toss. Go with the flow of traffic. I don't look like a toker.
In fact Sanjay Gupta has an interesting weed documentary on a young man who consumes mass quantities for a medical condition and he road with him while driving and couldn't believe it. The key is resistance. I smoke or take oil for a medical condition in a non legal state. Bad joint pain. I climb on top of machines in a factory and work on high voltage/ high current. Never been shocked above 120v. But don't try this at home. A show called weediquette has some young kids on one of it's shows taking amounts of THC that would knock me down with little affect on them. That's the problem with THC laws. Tolerance.
I'm high most of the time so really don't know much of a difference between driving stoned and not stoned. I'm not talking baked, but a good couple hits here and there.

I never smoke in the truck except on road trips, and then I'll do it in the middle of nowhere. Usually find a stop and get out anyway. I've been pulled over, while high, a number of times. Never have had a cop ask to search the vehicle. Sometimes, I'll even talk my way out of the ticket.

I'm white, drive a clean truck and look pretty clean cut. Unfortunately, I've also had to work around law enforcement for a long time, so I'm kinda used to the piggies and how they think.
one thing thats really helped me..
whether dropping off product or just tokin while driving..

i keep my german shep doberman mix in the back seat...especially when dropping weight.
spit flying actively trying to claw through the window. you get the idea.
i can get out the car without the cop freaking out.. meaning he doesnt get a chance to look around and sniff shit

ive gotten out of a couple nasty situations woth that..then learned from the experience...
one thing thats really helped me..
whether dropping off product or just tokin while driving..

i keep my german shep doberman mix in the back seat...especially when dropping weight.
spit flying actively trying to claw through the window. you get the idea.
i can get out the car without the cop freaking out.. meaning he doesnt get a chance to look around and sniff shit

ive gotten out of a couple nasty situations woth that..then learned from the experience...
A good rule for life in general...always keep a dog close.
Why the hell do people drive while high?

Back when I tried to drive when high, I drove 20 miles per hour under the speed limit, and I couldn't remember if I had looked both ways before proceeding through a stop sign. I was very dangerous.

And so is everyone else who drives high.

So my tip for driving while high is: don't. Be responsible and don't work against the fight to make MJ legal by becoming a negative statistic.
For many years I was falsely under the impression that people drive better when they are stoned - Holy Cow was I horribly wrong. In the past five years I've been driven around by two people who drive really fucked up when they get stoned...
Why the hell do people drive while high?

Back when I tried to drive when high, I drove 20 miles per hour under the speed limit, and I couldn't remember if I had looked both ways before proceeding through a stop sign. I was very dangerous.

And so is everyone else who drives high.

So my tip for driving while high is: don't. Be responsible and don't work against the fight to make MJ legal by becoming a negative statistic.
AAA just had a study released. Stated that marijuana affects every driver different. While you may have been inebriated off your dose, it may have little to no effect on another person. This was in context to marijauna dui laws, that they found to be unjust.
Thirty-five years ago I was in a car with three other guys leaving the Norfolk Navel Base when we were promptly pulled over by the local police. One of the guys in the front seat said, "I have two joints. Who wants to eat them?" I volunteered and quickly found out how hard that really is to do. About two seconds into it I found out you get an extremely dry mouth and can't swallow very fast. One idiot suggested the driver pull into another base entry about half a mile away. The guards waved us on base and also waved the cops through. I continued swallowing the joints while the cop informed the driver he pulled him over because the car tags were out of date by a month... Things go better with Coke!
I'm a mediocre driver but I am a bad pilot. Better for everybody I stay more or less on the ball.
Controlled crashing is not my definition of pilot!

........snip....... If I have weed in the car, I drive like an old woman, if I don't I drive however I like. One of the best pieces of advice I've ever heard was, "don't break more than one law at a time"...
LOL I AM an old woman ha ha! They never give me a second glance. It's like being invisible. As long as I'm not making donuts they leave me alone.

I agree break only one law at a time.
Roll a blunt or joint, something that can be tossed out the window quickly.. I can't remember the last time I've been driving without smoking ..deny deny deny if ever asked..
Yes!!! Always deny! Doesn't matter if they caught you with a joint in your mouth and show you pictures. Deny use always. A police officer is not a judge, you can lie to them. And admitting use means they have to hold you for twelve hours before you can post bail. Deny. Deny. Deny.
I'm high most of the time so really don't know much of a difference between driving stoned and not stoned. I'm not talking baked, but a good couple hits here and there.

I never smoke in the truck except on road trips, and then I'll do it in the middle of nowhere. Usually find a stop and get out anyway. I've been pulled over, while high, a number of times. Never have had a cop ask to search the vehicle. Sometimes, I'll even talk my way out of the ticket.

I'm white, drive a clean truck and look pretty clean cut. Unfortunately, I've also had to work around law enforcement for a long time, so I'm kinda used to the piggies and how they think.
U.S. Driving High - Got any tips?

1: Always carry full insurance

2: Let someone else drive for a change

3: as you continue to roll ...lol