UFC 97 thoughts.


Well-Known Member
So lets discuss the fights here, sad to see chucks fight, thought he was looking good just got caught with that shot, and he cant take em like he used to, hope to still see him fight if not in UFC at least WEC or somewhere. Also the Silva/leites fight was crap.. not so much silva's fault he stayed smart insured he won.. suprised he was able to keep his cool cuz i know he had to be gettin pissed. Leites didnt act like he wanted the fight at all, made no serious effort and for a prized bjj artist made poor attempts at takedowns he was to scared to get hit to try and shoot much, so resulted in him falling to the ground on purpose many times which after the first one or two he shoulda known silva wasnt going to go for it, if the Dana would let anyone go from the UFC is should be leites after that performance, at least Chuck made a effort.


Well-Known Member
So lets discuss the fights here, sad to see chucks fight, thought he was looking good just got caught with that shot, and he cant take em like he used to, hope to still see him fight if not in UFC at least WEC or somewhere. Also the Silva/leites fight was crap.. not so much silva's fault he stayed smart insured he won.. suprised he was able to keep his cool cuz i know he had to be gettin pissed. Leites didnt act like he wanted the fight at all, made no serious effort and for a prized bjj artist made poor attempts at takedowns he was to scared to get hit to try and shoot much, so resulted in him falling to the ground on purpose many times which after the first one or two he shoulda known silva wasnt going to go for it, if the Dana would let anyone go from the UFC is should be leites after that performance, at least Chuck made a effort.

ok let me tell you about chucks fighting, he always says hes winning then gets knocked out... theres a reason for that... his fighting style is too predictable now, every fighter just knows chuck has knock out power and will punch alot. So all they do is wait untill chuck leaves a open and 1 hit gets the job down. In a fight it doesnt matter how well they look , its how well they do :) was no surprise of the outcome this fight.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you to a point, Chucks style is very predictable he used to be able to afford that predictability and his willingness to swing without regard because of the fact he used to be able to take some hard hits and go. At almost 40 now and after you start gettin knocked out it just becomes easier to get knocked out. I agree I foreseen Chuck probally loosing this fight as well( had hopes though!) Everyone one day comes to the end of that road. None the less, chuck is one of the UFC's greatest fighters and will join the ranks of the past legends.


Well-Known Member
I knew Chucc was gonna lose, fool needs to give up already, thought the spider was gonna lose as well, but that other fighter was ridiculous, i would have been pissed if i bought tickets to watch it live, 2 fights now the spider hasnt done SHIT


Well-Known Member
I didnt think for a second the spider was gonna loose, and this fight it wasnt entirely his fault that he wasnt able to do anything. He's a counterstriker, if no one strikes at you then that puts you out of your game. That fight falls completely on Leites, he acted like a pussy straight up, was afraid to strike, was afraid to shoot for the takedown, everytime silva would swing he would fall to the ground knowing silva wouldnt follow. If i was Dana i wouldnt let Lietes fight in the UFC again. Also WTF happend with Wiman's fight, I totally think Wiman won the first and third round hands down, that was a BS decision, fuckin judges was probally canadian.


Well-Known Member
Not a spider fan huh? Not so much here either, although I have respect for him because like him or not he's still a very talented fighter and at the moment no one in that weightclass can take him. Now, put him and GSP against each other in the same weight class and I think GSP has the potential to stop him.


New Member
Leites was a joke! That douche ruined my night. I waited so long to see that fight and it turned out like that. Definately toss that dude to the curb. I'd rather watch the Wnba than that turd again. Guys like that will kill MMA. Noone want to watch that nonsense. I could go on all night about that guy. I was waiting for silvia to just smack that guy and get it over with. Sivila was just a bit over patient missing a few key oppertunities. Bottom line that was the worst mma fight ever. Worse than the early pride fighting days. When the fight would only be on the ground, competeting for full mount only to roll out the ring every 30 secs.

Bjj guys need more time on their feet. Who sits down in the middle of a fight as apart of thier stategy


Well-Known Member
I agree, but as a bjj practioner myself a fight staying on the ground the whole time isnt always a bad fight if there is plenty going. It's not appealing to your casual fan who doesnt really know shit about fighting and dont know what to look for in a good ground game, just want to see a brawl. Granted that is more exciting to most. There is alot of skill and talent involved in good bjj, and if your able to roll with a good guy and pass,mount,submit attempts and defends submission attempts for a length of time is a feat in its self. If some these fans would just roll with a white belt after 5 min of gettin tap'd every 10 seconds they would prob have a new found respect for how hard it is to be a good grappler.

......leites though, that dude just gave bjj a bad name how are you going to be a world class bjj artist then pull that chicken shit. I'll personally never watch him fight again.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. that entire event was somewhat of a disappointment to me. def not worth the pay per view.

it sounded like a good card, but ended up being pretty weaksauce.

lookin forward to the vanderlay silva rich franklin fight though :)

:peace: out.