UFO Freebies Summer Outdoor 2011


I recently have acquired two feminized UFO seeds with my purchase at Attitude Seedbank and decided that I am going to wait for the outdoor season to grow these freebie seeds. I am creating this post to gather information on the best method of growing these seeds. I believe the seeds to be Fem Rocklock and Reserva Priva Cole Train. I am thinking about starting these seeds indoors and rather than just transporting them outside when they are a couple weeks old I am going to use some of my Clonex cloning solutions to take cuttings of the mother plants, nurse them to a few weeks indoors then transport them outside in a secluded hidden spot.

Information I already know:
1. I will place my outdoor plants in large pots will good organic bag mix soil.
2. I will take time to check on my plants as needed.

Information I would like to gather:
1. Will the clones die from repeated stress from being cut then transported outside? and if so do you have actual experiences in which something like this has happened to you personally?
2. What are some good methods for growing outdoors in random spots around my area where there will be no chance that they will be found? For Example: Growing plants in trees.
3. Should I take precautions towards animals or bugs? I'm hoping to plant a large number and hopefully chance will be on my side and allow for me to harvest some of my plants.

All input will be greatly appreciated but please only give information as to what you have personally experienced because I really want to have a successful harvest and do not want to fail because of something wrong that someone has told me.

Sorry for the long post just wanted people to fully understand what I'm trying to achieve here.

arik maso

Active Member
don't plant a bunch of plants and expect some to die. I suggest planting a few strong clones and taking really good care of them, you can yield a lot from a couple outdoor plants. after cutting clones from a mom plant, they will need 1 to 2 weeks to root, and at least another 2 weeks of veg time after they root. they need to be well rooted and strong before you plant them in your outdoor location. Use neem oil as a foliar spray to keep away pests, and you can use stakes and chicken wire to make barriers and keep critters off your plants. Start your seeds as soon as possible, so you have time to produce as many clones as you need/want. Enjoy your grow


Well-Known Member
My coletrain freebie is 5 weeks into flower. Looks like a decent strain. I topped it, so it is a short and stout plant.

Taking a clone from a plant is the most stress a plant will go through in it's life. Think about it! Imagine cutting off your arm, sticking it into dirt and expect it to grow. A plant will do this and more. What you need do do is after taking the cutting put it into a stress free room and let it be. After it roots it will be ready to be transplanted. I would let them get a good 12-18" before moving outside.

Growing outside is a completely different animal. If your not ready mother nature will not be kind to your futile attempts. I suggest reading up on outdoor growing and giving it a shot in the spring. GL


So once I have my clones ready to take outside I need to protect it from animals and bugs. You mentioned neem oil for the bugs but is there any other ways to keep pests off my babies. Also with the chickenwire is there anything else that I could use to protect my plants. Maybe a perimeter of fishing line?

arik maso

Active Member
You could hang up bars of deodorant soap on strings or something, the human smell will help detract animals. The neem oil does work well for pests, there are also many other bug sprays out there. I just started buying neem oil concentrate cuz I realized it was the main ingredient in the "3 in 1" spray I was using before. I suggested the chicken wire for the base of the plant cuz it keeps critters from digging in your soil. I had a turkey problem before; they liked the cool, freshly wet soil at the base of my plants


Well-Known Member
ivory soap works well for the animals. Moth balls too. Put them in a bowl so they don't leach into the soil. Very toxic from what I hear.