UFO sighting, youtube link good quality

Definitely aliens. They’re trying to fit in.

good luck with the probing
Hey I'm back!!! Fun day.... I was pretty baked.. . But all anal probing aside. . Alien food is fire when your high! Their spaceship was small, but comfy and well maintained. But it smelled like flat Tecate and slim jims.
Wow. You’ve shown yourself to be a really boring idiot, kid. You should work on that or you’re going to wind up staying in your moms basement and girls won’t talk to you.
Wow. You’ve shown yourself to be a really boring idiot, kid. You should work on that or you’re going to wind up staying in your moms basement and girls won’t talk to you.
You are the one who lives with mom and dad and I'm sure the ladies are just throwing themselves at the feet of a dorito eating, mouth breathing neanderthal like you. :spew:
You are the one who lives with mom and dad and I'm sure the ladies are just throwing themselves at the feet of a dorito eating, mouth breathing neanderthal like you. :spew:
Now dammit do we have to bring doritos into this??? If stoners were a country that would be a our national dish... your on thin ice mister.
Can’t believe he’d dis the Dorito. So low. Even the aliens bring cases of Original Flavor Doritos home.

ET phone home, and the wife says bring back Fucking Doritos.

retired griller says these things to get to the front of the anal probe line
Lemme tell you about personal accounts and witnesses. Meaningless. The human mind isn’t reliable.

google “false memories”. There’s a Ted Talk on this study. People have memories of things that never happened.

How do I know aliens are not among us? Not working with our government? I know because of donnie trump. If we were working with aliens, trump would have been briefed and he CERTAINLY would not continue to act as such an incredibly childish self-serving asshole. That level of galactic awareness would stifle and humble. No evidence of that with trump.
There is actually an idea that generals in the military were behind Trumps victory and with him, they were going to stop the ET control, lmao.

There's a whole movie on it on hulu.
There's a lot of shit on that movie that will have you in more awe than this thread.

You'll either laugh at it or just be saddened by it that they are serious, or at least act like they are.

i have a wife and daughter and i also live over 2000 kilometers away from my family for work and support myself and a family and train like a beast and would smack any of you little gronks with one slap
gronks that are fat and unhealthy that eat doritos and most likely smoke, i myself only consume oils and vape, because im not a filthy tar filled gronk that eats doritoz

i eat cleaner then the best in the world and train like a machine, you all got nothing on me so just go chill in your safe space and eat rubbish in your little gronky bubbles
Can’t believe he’d dis the Dorito. So low. Even the aliens bring cases of Original Flavor Doritos home.

ET phone home, and the wife says bring back Fucking Doritos.

retired griller says these things to get to the front of the anal probe line
He’s also a lying sack of alien shit. Also clearly uneducated as he can’t even use spellcheck and string more than three words together.