ugh.... i dont even know what to say.... *Depressing data warning*

the funny thing is that these 1%ers are draining American wealth, in many regards, and selling it to foreign investors. This is, by US Constitutional terms, foreign invasion.

it's only a matter of time before our country is sold to China, stand up for what you know is right. Fuck tha' man, look him square in the eye and poke him in it - in self-defense of your self and family.

If you do nothing, you lose all.. Tragedy of the Commons, the stronger force always wins.

Group from China revealed as buyer of Stott, Free Press buildings
By Daniel Duggan
Originally Published: October 16, 2013 5:49 PM**Modified: October 17, 2013 3:07 PM

The David Stott Building was purchased for $9.4 million by DDI group.
An investment group from China has emerged as the buyer in two Detroit real estate deals.

DDI Group, based in Shanghai, purchased both the David Stott Building and the former Detroit Free Press headquarters for $9.4 million and $4.2 million, respectively, said Ryan Snoek, a real estate consultant who coordinated the sale on behalf of the seller, Fort Lauderdale-based Luke Investments LLC.

The group from China bought both buildings, sight unseen, as part of an auction last month to get involved with the city's growth potential, Snoek said.

In fact, DDI was in a bidding war with another investor tapped into the city's upside potential, Quicken Loans Inc. founder Dan Gilbert.

"Once the bidding got above $5 million, it was just (DDI) and Gilbert," Snoek said. "They went at it until the cows came home. In the end, (DDI) won it, but it was just by $50,000."

DDI Group has purchased the former Detroit Free Press headquarters.
Quicken representatives could not be reached for comment Wednesday.

Snoek said the plans for DDI are to continue operating the David Stott Building as an office property. The 210,000-square-foot building, at the corner of Griswold and State streets, is currently 15-percent leased, with roughly 10 tenants in it.

Luke Investments is the company owned by Emre Uralli, who came to Detroit from Florida to invest in properties. Uralli has been operating the Stott building and has been planning a redevelopment of the Free Press building.

DDI Group aims to continue the plans that are in place for the Free Press building, which will be converted to residential, likely by 2015 or early 2016, Snoek said.

In the bidding for the Free Press building, DDI went up against another group of investors from China.

DDI was represented locally by Greg Elliott, an attorney with Farmington Hills-based law firm Hoffert & Associates PC. Elliott did not respond to a phone call and email Wednesday evening asking for a comment on their behalf.

Snoek said DDI seems like a global real estate player.

"From everything I've seen about this group, they are a serious investment group," Snoek said. "They have properties in California, but also in major cities around the world.

"Everything they told us is that they want to invest in Detroit, operate these buildings, and hire people locally. Nice to hear that for a change."
Regardless any other considerations toward the Catholics or the Pope, it is an encouraging statement.

I like the guy, and hope he is sincere.

O i hope he's sincere too, its a logical statement out of the mouth of the pope... this is why I'm afraid! isn't that in revelations somewhere? :p

Did you know that on the same day the pope denounced money the US pulled its embassy from vatican city?
Group from China revealed as buyer of Stott, Free Press buildings
By Daniel Duggan
Originally Published: October 16, 2013 5:49 PM**Modified: October 17, 2013 3:07 PM

The David Stott Building was purchased for $9.4 million by DDI group.
An investment group from China has emerged as the buyer in two Detroit real estate deals.

DDI Group, based in Shanghai, purchased both the David Stott Building and the former Detroit Free Press headquarters for $9.4 million and $4.2 million, respectively, said Ryan Snoek, a real estate consultant who coordinated the sale on behalf of the seller, Fort Lauderdale-based Luke Investments LLC.

The group from China bought both buildings, sight unseen, as part of an auction last month to get involved with the city's growth potential, Snoek said.

In fact, DDI was in a bidding war with another investor tapped into the city's upside potential, Quicken Loans Inc. founder Dan Gilbert.

"Once the bidding got above $5 million, it was just (DDI) and Gilbert," Snoek said. "They went at it until the cows came home. In the end, (DDI) won it, but it was just by $50,000."

DDI Group has purchased the former Detroit Free Press headquarters.
Quicken representatives could not be reached for comment Wednesday.

Snoek said the plans for DDI are to continue operating the David Stott Building as an office property. The 210,000-square-foot building, at the corner of Griswold and State streets, is currently 15-percent leased, with roughly 10 tenants in it.

Luke Investments is the company owned by Emre Uralli, who came to Detroit from Florida to invest in properties. Uralli has been operating the Stott building and has been planning a redevelopment of the Free Press building.

DDI Group aims to continue the plans that are in place for the Free Press building, which will be converted to residential, likely by 2015 or early 2016, Snoek said.

In the bidding for the Free Press building, DDI went up against another group of investors from China.

DDI was represented locally by Greg Elliott, an attorney with Farmington Hills-based law firm Hoffert & Associates PC. Elliott did not respond to a phone call and email Wednesday evening asking for a comment on their behalf.

Snoek said DDI seems like a global real estate player.

"From everything I've seen about this group, they are a serious investment group," Snoek said. "They have properties in California, but also in major cities around the world.

"Everything they told us is that they want to invest in Detroit, operate these buildings, and hire people locally. Nice to hear that for a change."


Now Chinese companies and businessmen are planning to make their home in the United States. The mainland Chinese company Sino-Michigan Properties LLC has paid $1.9 million for 200 acres of undeveloped land in Milan, Michigan.

Currently a city of 6,000 residents, Milan could be the site of a "415-unit housing complex complete with artificial lakes and up to 6,000 square-foot homes, as well as a cultural center" for mainland Chinese. The location is about a 40-minute commute to the industrial centers of Toledo and Detroit, and less than half an hour from the Unive
O i hope he's sincere too, its a logical statement out of the mouth of the pope... this is why I'm afraid! isn't that in revelations somewhere? :p

Did you know that on the same day the pope denounced money the US pulled its embassy from vatican city?

Had not heard that. what is your source?
screw this program -
new hundo weird-look.
happy hi-tech benny (shld i denounce it's path?). not So Fast...
stumbled on one 1st time last week, but gone baby gone.. lol.

Is it digital? not just yet, uh.. Now it is.. there's wire and all kinds of micro shit in there u can see it. darn safety feature (jk jk) right in middle. has ever so slightly off-center, for folding purposes, an odd chunky plastic phat strip huh and w gizmos) what are 'they' tracking? like the wolf hunt here in michigania? good lil robots w metal paper + faith. You remember.. our friend, benjamin? where's his biography? [gettin kinda random up in here, so back on-track.] ~perhaps the perception of U.S. dollar has weakened -maybe? (sarcasm intended) now dab united state's new 'lg. denomination notes' -looks- rival euro. Its trying to be so legit almost looks fake.. is it foreign, so exotic.. can we live there? (tough to hide gizmo in paper) one nation under god

New Weed Order may look diff but smells same
Being a child of the cold war and a military security expert who watched a majority of it fall with my own eyes, China's threat to us and our way of life is much more ominous than we jest here. We have joked about how the direct link of corporate cash and political party power in this country today is the effective rule of law, but under Communism (or what ever they call it there today) it is the letter of the law. Imagine if our government could lawfully maintained espionage programs aimed at sectors of the economy to maintain economic advantage?
thats gonna be the next big one. i haven't really figured out when where why or how but I'm pretty sure its gonna take place after we mop up the middle east. china could then claim it for theirs without being the original thieves.

china is the only threat left on the planet to the current paradigm. how it all plays out is anyones guess

another theory i got is all this gun grab talk is to get us to arm up. our government cant come out and tell us to buy tactical gear and arm ourselves for war on the home front but they can scare us into doing so while looking like the hero trying to keep their crazy citizens in line.

these are just theories but they seem to gain weight when you take into account that china is slowly buying up the united states business by business and parcel by parcel.
I see WWIII being cyber warfare based and used to simply turn the lights off. When the iPhones and iPads become paper weights, I'm not sure our current populace has what it takes to call to arms any longer. It will take everything we have just to maintain the literal welfare of our big cities clearly unsustainable without technology. Our over paid and over represented service sectors will be completely useless and overburdening to those productive in true human needs.
I see WWIII being cyber warfare based and used to simply turn the lights off. When the iPhones and iPads become paper weights, I'm not sure our current populace has what it takes to call to arms any longer. It will take everything we have just to maintain the literal welfare of our big cities clearly unsustainable without technology. Our over paid and over represented service sectors will be completely useless and overburdening to those productive in true human needs.

the pentagon is already hacked 1000 times a day by china.

i just dont see it happening until they are ready to come in and take over. there is no win for them if they dont completely absorb the US and all its interests. just knocking out the power would be a great blow to them as well. just causing mayhem would hurt them more then not. i just dont see anything big popping off til its time.

mexico on the other hand. i see us bumping heads with china there like vietnam. won't be too long before we step in there and china has there little hands all over mexico

i see this as being a bit of an issue in the near future, like i said before maybe when ole jebby takes office.