Ugh! If this is what I think it is...


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure this snow white is a hermie. I'd be interested to know. I will say my buddy that grew this strain of this batch of seeds grew two plants that I thought looked hermie early on. He grew in much less optimal conditions than I have. However, they both finished nicely and without seeds. It is probably just my luck. Just found out I have MS this week, so this would be the shit icing on a turd cake. A lot of work has gone into this grow, and I don't want to spoil the other 4 plants and 12 clones with pollen from this fucker.

FWIW, this plant is 2 weeks into 12/12. The plant looks so damn good, but I'm more than willing to scrap it if I get word that it is indeed as I suspect. A fukin hermie???

First pic is the suspect flowering site. The other two are the setup and the suspect plant respectively. Thanks in advance!



Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about that man, but you better get rid of and be safe, rather than losing all your plants. Better safe then sorry.

EDIT: I am not experienced at all, so don't listen to me, always take an experts advice first, i'm just saying what I would do in that situation.


Well-Known Member
i think all the smokers should get together and take over a id be cool if it were legal in just one state...everyone would just have to move.lmao then we all could share our would be cheap ass hell if not free. well commercial that is


Well-Known Member
i think all the smokers should get together and take over a id be cool if it were legal in just one state...everyone would just have to move.lmao
ahahaha now that would be funny , can you imagin some one using google earth and happen to see a state covered with white smoke but the other states around it don't have clouds xD:leaf::weed::fire:


Well-Known Member
I'm hitting the sack for the night. I'll check back here tomorrow at lunch. Sure look like male bits to me. It's a damn shame b/c the plant is nice with some great female flowers. I've got limited space, otherwise I'd flower it by itself in a different area. Oh well, 4/5 isn't bad. Now I've just got to keep an eye on the clones. This plant was sick in late veg, and I'm guessing this stress induced the herm.

Although my buddy grew two of these, and I swore one of them was male. It had suspicious male-like flowers. He ignored my advice to pull it and harvested 2 ounces of sensi off that girl. Two weeks into flower it sure looked male to me.

I'll probably just veg a couple of clones a little longer to put in the vacancy left by this shim. Thanks for the replys. I really appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
Haha. That would be awesome. You don't have to worry much about your shit getting jacked, cus everyone else grows too. That would be awesome if they had a marijuana state. Hahah. It would be just like mendecino.


Well-Known Member
Thanks MJD. Stangest thing happened. When I was pulling the plant out last night to pluck those balls and examine for more balls; I couldn't find too many of 'em. I tied a string around one of the branches that had them. There were pistillate flowers emerging from the apparent male apparatus. I'm going to keep a close eye on them, marking the few sites that have them and looking for new emergence.

I think I mentioned that my buddy grew this strain. I noticed something similiar on his plants and advised him to scrap the one. He ignored me, and pulled 2 oz of sensi off what I thought was a hemie. I'll get some more pics tonight. I'm not shy about pulling it, I just don't want to trash a good plant with a strange phenotype. I will be marking them all. If I'm still unsure later this week, this plant will find its way into my buddy's currently empty garden space for safe finishing.


Active Member
Haha. That would be awesome. You don't have to worry much about your shit getting jacked, cus everyone else grows too. That would be awesome if they had a marijuana state. Hahah. It would be just like mendecino.
im down lol everyone please move to florida its nice and warm so we can grow outdoors without worries of frost :peace:


Well-Known Member
After doing some more studying today, I'm 90% certain that snow white is hermie. I wonder if the plant is less than 5% herm (very few flower sites showing male bits), if it is feasible to continue plucking and praying. My eyes aren't as good as they once were. This is really disappointing after my buddy's snow whites grown with cfls were such amazing smoke (top 5).

No more seeds of these, and I'm left to assume it was stress induced or a 10% chance this is a really f'ed up pheno. Since it was stress induced then my clones are fine. So I guess a final check of the plant(s) and a chop of this one tonight is in order. Unfortunately I've had my clones on 12/12 for a week and don't have a nice big one that was vegged for any good length of time to replace this one. Oh well, better luck next time.

My buddy's parents are visiting this weekend and not leaving until Monday. I just don't want to chance a single sac spewing pollen over the crop and grow area. Anyone know anything to do with a hermie that has been flowering for about 3 weeks??? Jeez, these snow whites are so freakin beautiful and STRONG when they are done. Damn shame!


Well-Known Member
I don't know if any of the male plants create thrichomes, but if it does, then you could possibly make hash, but I'm a noob so I'm not sure. I'd just say be safe and get rid of him, so you don't lose your pretty females.