Ugh! If this is what I think it is...


Well-Known Member
Yup, I'm not really down with picking balls off everyday for the next 5 1/2 - 6 weeks or else. Shit, the reason I got an HPS was so I didn't have to move CFLs every 36 hrs. No reason to make it more work than it should be. I just wish I had a different place to put it. Even if for no other reason than to pollenate a branch on the female PPP and see what those seeds produce at a later date.

I'm guessing the female flowers have some semblance of potency. I'm just going to chop it, dry it, and see what I can do with it. I've put this off for two day now. To the best of my understanding these male bits take about 10+ days to drop pollen, so I may let it go for another day or so. Just gave IT a nice dose of nutes and mollases too. Oh well, I'll definitely be watching stressed plants more closely in the future.


Well-Known Member
Is there any possible way you could set up another small grow box, that you could flower it and a female in to get some seeds?


Well-Known Member
To the best of my understanding self pollenated seeds are either not viable or very likely to be hermie. I don't know this for a fact, but Al b. Fuct has written it as well as other experienced growers. However, the pollen is perfect for pollenating females that are NOT hermie prone and creating predominantly female seeds. It would also be nice just to flower it to get a feel for the reproductive cycle of cannabis for potential future breeding experiments.

Given the potency of the bud I've smoked from this batch of seeds, I'm fairly certain even the seeded buds of this plant would be better than most sacks locally available. I just don't want my whole crop (3 PPP and 1 non-herm snow white that are 26" tall 14 days into flower, and 12 clones) to be pollenated. I would LOVE to collect some pollen and pollenate a branch of PPP to see what kind of funk I'd get.

I just don't have the room to properly flower this plant apart from my others. The wife isn't giving up her closet, bathroom, or any other part of the house for this project. I feel like it may be playing roulette with my crop to wait for my buddy's folks to fly out on Sunday (5 days away for those reading this thread in 2010). Like I said I'll be checking on it again tonight. Regardless, I'll snap some good pics so others can see what this looks like. I think it would be nice to have some decent photos of this other than the stock photos that are everywhere on the internet. I can say for certain, that my current opinion is that hermaphroditism doesn't always look 'textbook'. Although my opinion may change as the plant matures over the next 12 - 48 hours. These sacs are very few and far between, mostly located on the bottom 1/3 of branches hiding from even the most discerning of eyes. They are also not nearly as prolific as the female pistils. I guess it doesn't take too many of these to knock up many female flowers.

Regardless, it is getting the chop or a new home soon!


Well-Known Member
Would your wife give up a small cabinet in your garage? Haha. Well, if you could, take some pics and all that, so I can take a look, i'd be interested to see them. But I wouldn't risk it if I was you by leaving it with your whole crop for more then 24 more hours.


Well-Known Member
i think all the smokers should get together and take over a id be cool if it were legal in just one state...everyone would just have to move.lmao then we all could share our would be cheap ass hell if not free. well commercial that is
lol we'd never show up to anything on time and snacks would be mandatory lol
no but seriously that would be fuckin awesome


Well-Known Member
Tru that. I probably won't leave it. When I say house, I really mean a shitcrate of an apartment. So there is no garage. I may try and work something out with another buddy. I'm fairly discreet with my grows. Most of my buddys are doctors or soon to be doctors. Most smoke, some don't; and only 2 know that I've ever grown, only one knows that I am now growing. If I was still in my 20's, I'd probably have plently of people that would be happy to take it and none I should trust lol.


Well-Known Member
lol we'd never show up to anything on time and snacks would be mandatory lol
no but seriously that would be fuckin awesome

I could open my dream store called Munchies - a store filled with all the favorites. :) hmmm what a life.

Yeah out of 4 I had 1 herm. It is now out of the box but still going. Even if it has seed, it's still weed.


Well-Known Member
Haha. Well its better not telling anyone, so I understand that. Do you have a balcony, or a night stand you could convert into a grow box? Or is that just not possible with your situation?


Well-Known Member
Well if your feeling creative, build a bookcase. And by a bookcase, i mean this..


You can build it however high you would like. While it looks nice, stores books, and will work in your apartment. The wife can't complain about a new bookshelf, now can she? I would say it'd cost about $150 or $200 tops, but hey it would be worth it for future grows.


Well-Known Member
OMG, those pods cracked open!!! Guess what came out? An ass bunch off pistils! I was examining the suspect plant, and I was unable to find the balls on the branches I had marked. At first I thought I was missing them, then I thought I was losing my mind (likely), then I saw a group of these swollen pods that had opening revealing PISTILS!?!

Ok, so snow white can display a really funky phenotype. I'm no expert grower, but I've not seen nor heard of this online or elsewhere. Maybe I just wasn't lucky enough to stumble across it. I even PM'd a couple of growers on this board that said that pic in post #1 looked just like their hermies. So I had my pruning shears ready to chop last night, and was pleasantly surprised.

I tried to take some pics, but two things prevented me from getting good shots. The first of which is a bit of a tremor I've developed recently. The second is that a group of emerging pistils looks nothing like a group of immature preflowers. Sorry for the blurriness. Just realize that the pics I post are the best ones out of over 50 attempts.

I examined every inch of every plant in the garden only to find a couple of instances of the anomaly. Since I had my shears in hand, I went ahead and pruned the flowers that were not likely to be much in the end. This is the last pruning session until I steal a sample in weeks 6 - 8. I really appreciate the comments, input, and suggestions from everyone. You have all been a great help.

Once this grow is complete, I will try to post a complete journal of the grow. In the meantime, enjoy the pics below. The first two are pics of the supposed hermie branch. Take care all, and thanks again!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Couldn't imagine spida. It sucks bad. I definitely have more sympathy that I used to. I see patients with problems daily. Only now can I actually feel in some way what their daily lives must be like. I see the pics didn't upload. I'll try and get 'em up later tonight when I get home.


Well-Known Member
Ya man, at least I don't have it all over my whole body all the time. Sometimes when I'm high ill shake really more. But my hands shake so much, it sucks going through life not being able to write good, never have been able to take good pictures without blur, or any of that. Can't pour stuff, nothing. Haha.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for that bro. What's your dx if you don't mind me asking? Mine is more transient with other shit going on. I'm just trying to graduate and find a job I can do on the daily.