

Ok, so I have a few chocolate chunk and lavender plants that I grew from seed and vegged out for 5 or so weeks. I made sure to remove all the males long ago.

Slightly less than a week ago went to 12/12 and started to notice some more pistils at branch unions. First grow, all good I'm thinking. Plants starting to stretch.

Then, a couple of days ago I noticed some pistils turning brown and getting smaller. Almost look 'burned.' Not all the pistils are affected, but age doesn't seem to have a lot to do with it, more location in the room (not a huge room, tons of air moving through. These are mostly preflowers at the main stem, but have noticed the same thing on several smaller stems.

I trimmed up all the bad looking branches and took off what I believed to be several male pollen sacks on the females. I also removed a couple of plants I suspected to be the dominate hermies...but I think just about all of them might be affected. Spreayed down the room heavily with water a few times to make sure I got any pollen in the air out.

Spent literally 20 hours in the past couple of days checking the plants (not many of them either!) for pollen sacks, but it feels like I'm fighting a losing battle. While I can see that certain pistils are not getting pollinated, I'm almost positive that with no visible pollen sacks things are still getting pollinated. It's only day 6 of flowering...

They have enough light, humidity is right, water levels right, got a bit too much nitrogen a few weeks ago (in bat guano, was flushed out), and the room temp averages ~85, but again, tons upon tons of airflow.

Can't take pictures, but this seems to be a case of random pollination by hermie, right? Is this normal to have to fight off the tide...for some reason everyone says growing is easy, but this part is insane :cry:. At this rate the entire plants will be seeded even if I spent all day going from plant to plant with a 30x magnifying glass.

Do I just get new seeds and start over/quit trying to do this altogether, or do plants sometimes get a couple of seeds then stop producing male flowers and everything ends up fine?

I took some cuttings of the plants right before going to 12/12, but I'm wondering if they will be hermies too in the end?

Was really hoping for this project to go well, but now I feel like I'll end up with trashy seeded weed I spent waaaay too much time and money on.


Active Member
LOL @ ^.
well it could be a spread of pollen, but more likely hermied due to stress..when you cut parts of a plant away it will try use a lot of energy to try and repair it. Slowing down its process of flowering can make it herm. If you see sacks, you're going to have seeds, along with more pollen from the 'bananas'. Your best bet would be to remove them in whole, and get some new ones going....realistically you aren't and I understand why..but to break the cycle you need to remove all pollen sources. Your clones have the same genes as the one in flower right now and it is that susceptible to going herm 9/10 times then yes, it will take on the same characteristics. Extending future generations of this strain might become adaptable and over time giving you more females than males but you're looking at way more time than you've already invested.


Well-Known Member
85F is not extreme heat, but still pretty high for your constant temp in there. Could be causing heat stress over prolonged periods.


Ok, well it all goes down tonight. :( Fuck me and my life.

Found another curly banana on a lavender and noticed more pollinations throughout the room. The plants all look fantastic for the most part besides that and have very sticky smelly leaves. I guess that's the breaks though...

Still very confused about this. I'm not entirely sure how such a small thing could have caused ALL of them to hermie out like that. There were no light leaks, no irregular photoperiod, humidity sat at 50%, no pests or diseases. Tons of light for the plants. No pruning besides what was necessary (and when they went hermie). I guess it's possible the soil mix wasn't perfect (soil mixed with dolomite lime, cooked to sterilize, could go soilless next time I suppose).

Are all cannabis plants this unstable? Would like to try my hand at this again, as cannabis is about my favorite thing on the planet, but having similar results again would most likely lead to a total nervous breakdown on my part :( Was looking at having a whole bunch of yummy buds in a have a hole in my pocket and a lot of time I wish I had back. Suppose I learned stuff...kind of...

From the way people talk about this stuff seeds are supposed to be rare, but even more or less babying my plants led to complete disaster on a level I wasn't mentally or fiscally prepared for. Are there any strains that can take more than a modicum of stress before going hermie? How can I prevent this in the future (seen much less optimal situations work much much better...never have I heard of this kinda sitch). I doubt in the future I'll have this kind of time to take care of the the hell would I take care of them if I can't do it now?


Active Member
Personally...I would finish up the grow - not kill the plants - but also start fresh when it's over. I found 1 set of bananas while I was trimming. No big deal... I never saw the bananas during flowering - and I thought I was watching them pretty closely (my family will agree that I sent most of my spare time inpecting the plants LOL). I didn't find any seeds either. But even if I find one or two seeds - so what? who cares? Pick it out and roll a joint - damn.

So...I don't think it's the end of the world - but I also agree that these plants probably should not be cloned due to a tendency to hermie.

Relax....and, no, it's usually not this difficult and I doubt it as anything you did or didn't due that caused them to hermie. Sometimes Cannabis does this in a last ditch effort to procreate....


^thanks. no camera round these parts, but what is happening is that pistils are browning/thinning on the preflower calyxs on the main stem of several plants. Also, this seems to be happening on several branches of plants, but no visible bananas are out. Even the ones I destroyed I am not 100% positive were bananas, and didn't seem to be open. I'd like to say that the preflowers (which have been around for a couple weeks before going to 12/12) are just getting too big, but it seems to be almost isolated to sections of the plants (along main stem, on a few branches from what I can tell).

Do preflowers mature before the colas emerge, or would that be pollination? when pistils brown naturally do they shrink?

I realize I could be overreacting, and hope that is the case, but also don't want to go through too much trouble for stuff that is seeded in every other calyx.

I suppose I live in a part of the world where cannabis sometimes grows wild, and it could be a case of pollen in the air (doubtful though).

lavender is soma seeds. chocolate chunk is thseeds. I've noticed occasionally when getting what would otherwise be sinsimillia, there is an occasional seed in a nug. these are almost always up against a branch/stem. would this possibly mean nugs will grow around these parts and the rest of the plants won't be seeded? any idea what causes such things?


Active Member
Dude...your hacking up your plant and your not even sure if the things you are choppin are pollen sacks?

Whoa....I think you're trippin....Just relax. It doesn't sound like - even if it's been pollinated - it's the whole plant.

Without pictures...noone can tell you for sure. It sounds a little, in my experience, the preflowers mature at about the same rate as the rest of the plant. So I can't tell you why they would be brown - except that they may have been pollinated.

But, personally, I would go sit in the backyard and smoke a J. You'll know what the problem is when you harvest and really get to take a look inside every bud.

Then you will know for sure if you were right all along....or being a trippin fool!

Good Luck


Well-Known Member
after rereading your descriptions, well you've had some hermie troubles, it's the bane of the inside grower
grim reality is you will run into hermies from time to time, but sounds like you have done well in keeping it under control
haven't seen any complaints on these strains/breeders, could be a bad batch of one of the strains


For sure. It's hard not to just completely trash the entire room when you walk in and see pistils turning brown and can not, for the life of you, find a single actual pollen sack. Plus, this is probably the only grow I'll be able to do for a while, so watching it slowly kill itself and ruin all your work by itself kinda sucks.

No the entire plants are not pollinated, but sections seem to be (and it makes NO sense as there are no open pollen sacks, just what I believed to be pollen sacks forming). I don't understand the entire idea of waiting and seeing, and don't get how when I read different threads, people seem to be able to get away with it. Something....something is completely ruining my grow, one stem at a time. Day 8 today, and I know for a fact there are no less than 30 seeds forming...

day 8....

what the fuck!?!?!?! so you just get your crap bud and pray you don't get shitty luck next time? fun fun fun....


Well-Known Member
when you're in the middle of a hermie hell, it's tough to be objective
but there is/was a hidden banana or 2 in some very hard to find place, you're not the 1st to have this happen
i've seen similar experiences, grower swears they've searched everywhere, then find the the pollen sack in some hidden part of the plant
the only consolation i can offer is you've likely become a hermie expert, if you grow again you will be much better prepared for the invaders


Yeah, an expert on creating hermies maybe :P

I had an autoflowering feminized roadrunner that was thrown in with everything and went into flower probably 3 weeks ago. Within a few days I noticed the exact same thing and pulled it/misted down the entire area a few times. Chalked that up to the feminized/hermie connection.

Then these started, and it's just been insanely frustrating for me. Used to smoking good stuff, and the top colas haven't even begun to show a bit. Yet there are pollinations..and I mean, I'm sure there are areas I haven't seen, but after 40+ hours searching since pollination seemed to start, I am almost more clueless than before.

I hear that when you start to get big buds the occasional banana will pop out, but there are no buds here yet. Just single pistillate flowers at branch nodes. Some have had the pistils retract all the way and appear to be stiff. I don't even understand how people would examine more thoroughly than this. I've had to bend branches this way and that, move plants around, and been using a 30x microscope the entire time. So I mean, I'll know it if I see it next time, but I'll also just get a sinking/hopeless feeling...40 fucking hours man...that's a lot... and it has not helped an iota. If anything, I've just hurt the plants examining every inch of them as best I can.

Not gonna try these again, and gonna go soilless next time. Might try northern lights or skunk #1. not gonna spend so much on seeds when I honestly could get better results from bagseed. What a mess these are...not sure why there isn't more info on them. Most books have a few paragraphs. Germinated 20/20, not sure where everything went wrong...they grew soooo fast.

Any super mega stable strains out there???


Well-Known Member
there are plenty of stable strains, i'm just starting with indoor growing, used to grow outside quite a bit
just harvested a nl#5 from highgrade-seeds, no trace of any hermie - that includes a reveg of the harvested plant
which will usually expose the hermie trait if present


ok, so for the record. now that a little bit of time has passed, and one application of 'reverse' which may or may not have helped, but was bought in a fit of spontaneity, I kept seeing those brown hairs appear.

But now that the few plants I saved have nodes they are beginning to show buds (+2 days) without any brown hairs...anywhere. from what I can tell (biiiiig knock on wood here) the preflowers were dying in much the same fashion as the very bottom leaves and I do not have hermies and the strains *seem* to be fine now :D


Active Member
ok, so for the record. now that a little bit of time has passed, and one application of 'reverse' which may or may not have helped, but was bought in a fit of spontaneity, I kept seeing those brown hairs appear.

But now that the few plants I saved have nodes they are beginning to show buds (+2 days) without any brown hairs...anywhere. from what I can tell (biiiiig knock on wood here) the preflowers were dying in much the same fashion as the very bottom leaves and I do not have hermies and the strains *seem* to be fine now :D

So...maybe I was right and you were tripping. Maybe you should reverse the neg rep you gave me for saying so.



So...maybe I was right and you were tripping. Maybe you should reverse the neg rep you gave me for saying so.

hmm. i was under the impression I gave you and the other person who responded a few times good rep...

:confused: my bad!

i'll try to fix that. hopefully you were right :)


Active Member
Nope...I misunderstood and am now tripping myself! Thanks for the rep. I think your grow will end up alot better than you've been thinking it would.
