
Well-Known Member
Signs that the plant is using up her nutes.
If youbarebusing nutes i would suggest using a little more cal/mag.


Active Member
Ok cool thank u!!
And is it OK that the plants don't smell anymore? They did during veg like crazy then stopped. I'm afraid I've stressed them so many times by them getting droopy that it has effected my babies.


Well-Known Member
Letting your plants droop numerous times definitely affects them. Not sure why they don't smell, but that definitely is a nutrient deficiency or nutrient lockout. Check your pH. It looks to me like a nitrogen problem.

Father Ramirez

Well-Known Member
Fan and even sugar leaves yellow often during flower Some folk report and document healthier results. I've had great looking plants that didn't deliver, and skinny, leafless, ugly plants that budded for many months. Don't try too hard to control what plants want to do. It's more fun to watch them be themselves