uh..oh.. finger prints?


Well-Known Member
Better be careful or they will take prints and run them through the database and match them to you and then you are BUSTED!
only if your prints are in their system already due to other reasons like being in the military or getting arrested, etc.

a majority of citizens, at least in the U.S.A. are not in any fingerprint database.


Active Member
DNR will wait for you to come harvest and bust you then, or follow you back home and bust you there. They set up motion-detector cameras in the vicinity too, so keep an eye out for shit tied to trees, and never take the same path to the greenhouse so you don't beat a path. You should only go to set up, then to harvest. Don't spend every weekend at the fucking place. Most outdoor growers will only plant 4 plants in any one place so it looks small time. You end up with more chances to get picked up going to multiple harvests though.
I've heard stories about endangered animals with tags unintentionally leading scientist-types to grows, who then alerted authorities, who then waited for the poor guy to come harvest.
Its just easier to grow inside!


Well-Known Member
only if your prints are in their system already due to other reasons like being in the military or getting arrested, etc.

a majority of citizens, at least in the U.S.A. are not in any fingerprint database.

I'm kidding. There really isn't anything to worry about, clearly.


Well-Known Member
and it's in the woods but you have to travel a fair distance to get to it then you come off a pond to an unbeaten trail to get to it...
Hmmmz, vauge directions but i think i know where your grow is, think i will go have a look tomorrow bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
i've cleaned the area and everything is set up i've used the wd40 and a wet cloth the scrub the whole place down... i won't be visiting anymore until i start the new one.. thanks everyone