Uh-oh I have tested positive for The Rona.


Well-Known Member
That's what I get for belonging to a family in the nursing home industry where our options of not going to work we're non-existent Operation warp speed has really sucked. So much for the lighting speed roll out of vaccines. I got my first jab of vaccine on Monday. CVS who did the vaccines brought enough for every employee and every resident. Not all the employees chose to be vaccinated so that left 30 or 40 doses of the vaccine that had been defrosted for use and cannot be put back into Cold storage. We should have had a line of people outside waiting to take advantage of the excess but the state and the FEDS have not evolved sufficiently for that to happen. The strange thing is I'm not even worried which is surprising even me especially in light of how fucked I could be.
That's what I get for belonging to a family in the nursing home industry where our options of not going to work we're non-existent Operation warp speed has really sucked. So much for the lighting speed roll out of vaccines. I got my first jab of vaccine on Monday. CVS who did the vaccines brought enough for every employee and every resident. Not all the employees chose to be vaccinated so that left 30 or 40 doses of the vaccine that had been defrosted for use and cannot be put back into Cold storage. We should have had a line of people outside waiting to take advantage of the excess but the state and the FEDS have not evolved sufficiently for that to happen. The strange thing is I'm not even worried which is surprising even me especially in light of how fucked I could be.
Good luck man. Sorry you got it.
Thanks guys... I tested negative using the 15 minute test on Monday and received my first jab of vaccine the same day. Tested Tuesday with lab testing and the results came back positive today so the vaccine was to little to late.
What worries me most is I'm very low on weed. I can't quarantine without weed so I've got to hook up with some combustibles before I hunker down. Right now I am asymptomatic but if and when I become symptomatic I'll give you guys the running commentary. What to do oh what to do
Four of us tested positive in a time-stamped batch at an outside lab. I got my first jab of vaccine on Monday which was the day the tests went to the lab. Subsequently on Tuesdays EVERYONE in the house gets tested via a slick 15 minute test and the four of us were negative. So today I get a call telling me I have tested positive for the coronavirus. Well that will bugger up your day but it wasn't a big surprise. We just wait patiently. It's been like roulette. Well the four of us took the 15 minute test today and we're all negative by that test again. So for now I'm assumed to be positive until another lab test comes back negative which will probably be late tomorrow. I'm pretty certain the lab screwed up a batch. Apparently they bundle tests together and it looks like they contaminated the results some how. I guess if you mix together 5 swabs from different people and the mixed results are positive you can then go back and check viral load to see who was positive out of the five. I'm as certain as I can be that I'm negative but I brought another test home and I'll test myself again b4 bed. Talk about crying wolf. I've got the luxury that I can test myself with a test that's 98% accurate anytime I want. If the average Joe was sitting at home and got a call that they were positive they would rightfully believe that they were. How and when would they find out I don't know. They told me I was positive and I'm not.20210115_220722.jpg
That's what I get for belonging to a family in the nursing home industry where our options of not going to work we're non-existent Operation warp speed has really sucked. So much for the lighting speed roll out of vaccines. I got my first jab of vaccine on Monday. CVS who did the vaccines brought enough for every employee and every resident. Not all the employees chose to be vaccinated so that left 30 or 40 doses of the vaccine that had been defrosted for use and cannot be put back into Cold storage. We should have had a line of people outside waiting to take advantage of the excess but the state and the FEDS have not evolved sufficiently for that to happen. The strange thing is I'm not even worried which is surprising even me especially in light of how fucked I could be.

Wait...you got the vaccine and still go covid?
Man, pray you don't turn into a long hauler. I've been dealing with symptoms for months and there's no real end or relief in sight.

Drink water and eat healthy. Your body and immune system is about to get worked over.
Stinky wouldn't allow better tests, he wanted it to spread, his choice of test more than likely was based on his kickback amount. Biden will clear that up fast, some other countries have rapid accurate and cheap tests that are easy to get.
Ya must be his fault covids gotta be trumps fault you leftists are insatiable. You actually believe what you say thats scary pray for america.