Uh oh this cant be good. please help!


Well-Known Member
So i have been growin a few plants outdoor in approx. 1 gallon pots with some rich potting soil. Some of my plants are organic and others are chemically fertilized. The ones that are organic have about a tbsp of blood meal 12-0-0, tbsp of bone meal 2-14-0 mixed into the bottom 6 inches and about a quarter tbspn of muriate of potash 0-0-60 mixed into the top 4 inches of the soil. ( i know its not the best for adding k but its all i could get my hands on ) The plants that are chemically fertilized i feed with 20-20-20 plant prod with micronutirients. I fed slowly and gradually added more and i never had any problems except with this one plant. I water with tap water that has been sitting for 2 days. I currently dont have a ph metre but i am going to go buy one in the next couple days. Anyways here are some pics.The one with the yellowing leaves is blueberry skunk and the one with burning leaf tip is ak 47. Ak is organic and blueberry is chem. All feedback is appreciated



Well-Known Member
I will add some nitrogen to it and watch it closely. And oh my in toronto it was around 30-40 degrees celcius all week even topping the 40's with humidity


Well-Known Member
Is that hot? U.S. here and don't know how to convert lol but I'd say a touch of heat street too, see the edges of the leaves thats from it being really hot out. When its that hot out I would recommend not keeping them in direct sun for long periods of time


Well-Known Member
ooooh man i can see the edges of your leaves man and they are transpiring their stomata off. im in toronto too dude and i can tell you without a doubt that this is one of the worst growing summers in recent years. the temp swings are unbelievable.. i had to bring my flowering plants inside a few days ago! they might be suffering some nute burn too. my recommendation - flush.


Well-Known Member
Yeah sometimes the humidity jus makes it so hot id rather stay inside all day. And that is around 104 mayb a bit higher in farenheight. I moved it in the shade yesterday then i moved it back into direct sunlight but it sounds about right because ive never had this problem before with the leaf burning like that. Should i cut off the yellowing leaves on my bbs plant though?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't flush them, they look great and see the yellowing on a few leaves? That's cause they are lacking nitrogen so If you flush, whatever food that is in your soil will be washed away and that yellowing is gonna get worse