Uhhhhh Ohhh!!!!


Active Member
went to my spot today for teh first time in two weeks. good news my babies are waist high and lookin great, bad news theres pink ribbons all over the woods, seems like the ribbons follow the stream and some overgrown construction trail. mine are still back a bit farther than where the ribbons go, but does this mean they are cutting down the forest?!?!?!?!


Well-Known Member
just that they are surveying the land for futer construction, doesn't necesarrily mean they will cut them down this year, depends on there plans but there are those all over around my woods that are over 5 years old and they never came back since...

trailer park guy

Well-Known Member
If there are long strands of ribbon stretched from tree to tree, they may be marked foor clearing of the whole area. If just select large trees are tied up, they mey be taking out larger growth for lumber.
If there are stakes and markers, it may just be a boundry survey of the property for resale.
I used to survey, we always looked for pot when we were out in the woods. Like the guy said, better move them.