The crime is all ready being committed by growing it did you miss that and I'm the dense one I wish I was blessed with you intellect then life would be all and
The crime is all ready being committed by growing it did you miss that and I'm the dense one I wish I was blessed with you intellect then life would be all and
Big house lol, now I'm picturing you talking like a guy in a Bogart film that ends every sentence with "seee" & says wiseguy alot. "Your gonna end up in the big house seeeee" hahaha
Big house lol, now I'm picturing you talking like a guy in a Bogart film that ends every sentence with "seee" & says wiseguy alot. "Your gonna end up in the big house seeeee" hahaha
The crime is all ready being committed by growing it did you miss that and I'm the dense one I wish I was blessed with you intellect then life would be all and
The larger crime is often the stealing of the power and subsequent charges.
if you cannot afford the power bill the answer is very simple- buy your pot instead. Its a lot less work as well.