Whats making you think mag deficiency?
Is the 1st pic the EWWBB? it looks the nuts whatever it isIts not the EBW atall that has mag dif, its my ww/bb next o it, its gotclassic rust spots.
heres the exodus blue widow. and heres a shot of the leaf next door lol sorry i couldnt drag the ww/b out too much disturbance for it lol.
This guy is looking for the same answer. Watch his thread.....
I love my cheese>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ur really like ur cheeses dont you
EBW stands for exodus cheese/ blueberry/ white widow. Shell be 6 weeks in 12/12 on Friday lol thanks man.Is the 1st pic the EWWBB? it looks the nuts whatever it is
nah they rusty mam, i thought at fisrt it was mites but closer inspection its rust lol. Ill pull a leaf off it tomoz and take a pic in natural light lol.As far as I know Westy it's 1 teaspoon of epsom salts to a US gallon (4.5L).
I seen that recipe about a hundred times so I'm pretty sure.
Or use cal-mag.
Are those spots a rusty colour? They look white in the pic.
Which would signify mites or PH fluctuation damage.
No, I like seed grows, i think ya gota be patient with clones.