UK: Cheese Cuttings?


Well-Known Member
Any one know where I can trade for/buy a cutting of the origional Cheese in the south west of England (Bristol)?

Or any cuttings really, I want to extend my Genetic Horizons.

PM me or Reply here.

Refuse to live in fear.



Well-Known Member
I've seen 'Big Budda Cheese' and 'Blue Cheese' but never the origional Cheese, I believe it's clone only.


Active Member
hi there jointsmith, i dont have cheese.....but i have some ice and some skunk #11 running at the moment, i also have some oasis seeds but i havent germed them yet.

thing is, im south west (bout 45 mins from bristol), if youre interested in touching base pm me or post back here....i'll keep an eye on this thread.


Well-Known Member
I don't think you can get the real cheese he's talking about any way other than a cutting still.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I've heard many times that the original cheese and the cheese seeds are not at all comparable.

I want some original cheese too if anyone has it. Oh god I would love you long time.


Active Member
Hello mate, i also live in Bristol. My cousins mate grows some nice weed and uses cuttings so im sure it would be cool if you wanted to do a swap or something? Let me know dude


Well-Known Member
Hello mate, i also live in Bristol. My cousins mate grows some nice weed and uses cuttings so im sure it would be cool if you wanted to do a swap or something? Let me know dude
Hey dude, I've accepted your friend request but it won't let me PM you.

PM me your MSN if you wanna talk cuttings...


Active Member
if u want the real uk cheese but do not no anyone who has it get dr greenthumbs cheese it is a clone of the original forced hermied to produce seeds but chances are u may get a few herms but u r guarenteed a female:D


oregonmeds your right the original cheese was sort of a 1 in 10000 longshot all it is is a special skunk 1, ive smoked real cheese , blue cheese and a regular cutting, the real cheese is somuch skunkier than the others (because they crossed with indicas and ruined it)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
the exodus cheese is cultivated by ninjas handed down to only those who are deemed worthy or know some bloke daaarn saaarf by the name of 'jah hoover' google it.

don't bother with the seed companies version of cheese its not the real deal...


Wow i like that people can just talk about this sort of thing on here
i use another forum where you'd get your wrist slapped for this sort of chat

I too am after a proper uk cheese cut and have been for ages so if any come about then don't foget me ;)


Im afraid its true boys, the number 1 enjoyable weed in the Amsterdam poll is cheese. The ORIGINAL cheese.
I bought a cross between cheese and something else, i think it was some super skunk or PPP. £30 for 10. only 2 germinated.
And one of them is dieing.

These are HARD to get, and ive just lost £20+ down the drain, and if it turns out to be a male, then im £30+ down the drain. The only TRUE cheese you can get is from cuttings, and let me tell you, those bastards go £150+ a pop... thats why i got some seeds! Good luck buddy!


Well-Known Member
Im afraid its true boys, the number 1 enjoyable weed in the Amsterdam poll is cheese. The ORIGINAL cheese.
I bought a cross between cheese and something else, i think it was some super skunk or PPP. £30 for 10. only 2 germinated.
And one of them is dieing.

These are HARD to get, and ive just lost £20+ down the drain, and if it turns out to be a male, then im £30+ down the drain. The only TRUE cheese you can get is from cuttings, and let me tell you, those bastards go £150+ a pop... thats why i got some seeds! Good luck buddy!
I got my cut free like your supposed to!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey speedy dont go rubbing it it, you got the seeds and now you get free cuttings too well thats just brilliant! lol


Well-Known Member
Ah yea i know speedy, there aint to many growing where im at so the chances of picking up any cuttings are slim never getting a decent one like cheese!


Active Member
correct me if i'm wrong but to get anything that is close to the Original Exodus Cheese without getting a clone, i've heard that you have to keep growing out the Cheese from Big Buddha seeds, ie, let the plants hermie and keep growing the seeds, repeating the process until you have something that resembles the Exodus, i'm pretty sure you can tell the difference, saw it on ere' me tinks.. :mrgreen:
but, like i said, correct me if i'm wrong.. :eyesmoke:


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
theres ways n means boys but paying £150 a pop is daylight robbery it should be free or a favour in return. i gave my donor a few grams of blue moonshine we were both very happy. i mean how hard is it to take a cutting