Uk grow tent needed


Active Member
Hi I am looking for a cheap grow tent which will be big enough for 2-4 plants. Where would you recommend I buy one from?
Also what sort of intake and out take fan plus carbon filter


Well-Known Member
go to you can pick up a tent for about 100$ usd. and an intake and filter will be about 50$ usd each if i remember correctly.

Green Troll

Active Member
I guess people missed the "UK" in the title lol.

Ignore amazon, you want to find yourself a local hydroponics shop. It may cost a little more but pay with cash, eliminate any paper trail. Just cover your ass.

What you need is a Secret Jardin DR900 or DS900, the DS if you are looking for cheap, as it is the older budget model. The 900 part of the model number is the size, so 900mm square floor space (external dimensions, so knock an inch off each side to get the internal space to allow for poles). The tent is going to be about £90. For that size, a 400w ballast will be suitable (£60-100). You will need a light fitting and reflector (£40-80) and 2 bulbs, one MH, one HPS (£20-35 each). Smallest fan/filter you can get is 4" which is more than enough for a tent that size (fan, filter and ducting £120) and you dont need any sort of intake for tent grows, it is all done with negative pressure (the fan sucks the air out, automatically sucking fresh air in on its own). All you need now is a HEAVY duty (dont go cheap on this) timer. They are about £15. That is your tent set up. With this set up you can swap the bulbs around and use the same tent for flowering as well. The tent will look huge and over sized and the light too much when vegging, but when you start flowering 4 plants and they nearly triple in size, you will see why you needed it all.

So tent set up is going to cost around £400-£450. But that isnt it yet. You need pots (cheap as chips) growing medium (use coco, its a good starter medium) and nutes. Use Canna nutes, as you can use the same for both flowering and vegging, so no messing about. Coco is about £15 a bag, 1 bag will do you for 4 plants easily. Nutes, i would recommend getting the 4 litre tubs (they come in pairs, A+B) for about £35 so it will last you, but its up to you. Then you need a PH meter and EC meter, which will be a minimum of £70 for the pair. These are EXTREMELY important. If anyone says otherwise, they are talking crap. You MUST check the nutrient solution you are giving to your plants. Now onto what you need for the plants...

Seeds. Order these from the net, as it can be difficult finding places to sell them in shops. I would suggest getting 5 seeds and expect 4 to make it. Sometimes you get one that is either a dud or a sickly plant. It is just luck. Get yourself a cheap heated propagator from the hydro shop, should be around £15-20, and some rockwool cubes for about 10p each. Use a cheap desk lamp from B&Q and get yourself one of the energy saving lightbulbs from tesco. Get the one with the highest lumen output you can find (if memory serves, i found 1100 easily) and stick it over the propagator. This will sort you out for the first 2 weeks, seedlings dont smell =)

I know it sounds expensive, and it is, for setting up 4 plants, but dont go for all this DIY stuff for your first grow. Get the gear listed above and you will probably grab an ounce per plant on your first ever grow in a 14 week period (2 weeks seed to seedling, 6-8 weeks seedling to full veg, 4-6 weeks flowering, depending how you want your high). So thinking how much an ounce costs here, it pretty much pays for itself in the first grow. After that, free weed. Happy days.

Oh and buy yourself a decent pair of pruning scissors, the expensive ones make all the difference. You wont use them in the first month but you will afterwards. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
"eliminate any paper trail" "seeds. order these from the net" lol. buying a grow tent on amazon is a lot less sketchy than buying seeds lol. when you buy something from amazon nobody knows anything except you and the sender. there's nothing wrong with saving a little money. with his first grow, he may find out he doesn't like it and growing isn't something he's interested in. or he might love it and want to go the extra mile and buy all the bells and whistles. he also might have a tight budget and have to watch his power bill. p.s. police bust a lot more people when the electric companies see a spike in electricity and report it, then the police can fly over your house and try to see the glow of the lights with infrared (which are techniques they use all over the world). before you get all paranoid and tell people to "eliminate a paper trail", you should look at the advice you're giving and consider different people have different options with price and situation. im not getting aggressive with you. im just saying maybe the bells and whistles aren't an option right now. you don't have to have the sickest set up to grow. light+water+dirt=marijuana growing. it's simple, it doesn't need to be all that technical(the quality can improve a bunch if you can create the perfect conditions) although they may be an option and if it were for me i would go with all of what green troll said.

Green Troll

Active Member
buying seeds is mostly done abroad, and sent discretely, often with a different company name on your bill. Ordering a fuck load of hydroponic equipment and having to load it into your house with the delivery driver staring at you, often with brand names printed on the sides, little bit of a difference. you knok my logic yes you think ordering stuff online is fine? go hassle someone else unless you have something constructive to post.

and since you obviously have no clue how different things are here in the UK, your opinion holds very little weight.


Well-Known Member
DR90 from Secret jardin with a 5" extractor and big carbon filter works for me. It would be plenty for up to 4 medium size plants. (Expect up to maybe 10-20 Oz per grow maximum if you are have green fingers)
With a small grow I wouldn't worry too much about delivery, though you should try to buy with cash if you're really worried.


Well-Known Member
when you order from amazon. you get a brown cardboard box with an "amazon" sticker on it. the beauty of amazon is they sell pretty much everything. nobody knows what's in it. you don't know what you're talking about. you can get a tent for £37.53. trying to save this guy a bunch of money. lol. which is constructive. youre the one who came at me first. i was just trying to help this guy out with saving him a bunch of money. but whatever. im out. later.