UK Outdoor Grow 2011


Active Member
Hey guys, the weather over here has been phenomenal lately and so I decided on buying some seeds 3 weeks ago. A friend of mine also gave me a few seeds which I was reluctant to take due to them being a non Autoflowering variety. (I'm doing all autos by the way, apart from 4.)

So I bought
4xBarneys Farm Pineapple Express Automatic
3xDutch Passion Tundra Automatic
12xDNA Genetics 60 Day Wonder
1xDinafem Fruit Automatic
1xParadise Seeds Vertigo Automatic
4xTop44 which i was given (unsure how well these will do due to our short summer)

Hoping to get another 10 - 15 Autos in the next few weeks but unsure what to get, any ideas are more than welcome :lol:

So far things are looking good, I haven't been out to check on them today but when I go out I will take some pictures to show you. Meanwhile I have some photos I took about 6 days ago.


Active Member
Looking good dude. Im in the uk also and im thinking of trying a few autos at the start of June so they will be finished end of august:) I literally have miles of forest as my back garden so i rekon i should be able to find a good spot:)


Active Member
Well I went to my local garden store this afternoon bought some vermiculite and some fish blood and bone mix.

Went to check up on the babies and unfortunately one of the Top44s has gone, must have been slugs or rabbits. But everything else is fine, all of them looking good. I decided that I would put my 3Tundras in the raised bed, my 3Top44s in the ground and the Pineapple Express are a little smaller due to me starting them late so I have decided to leave them in the starting pots for a few more days.

Have started the 60 day wonders now, fingers crossed there will be no duds. Germinating them in moist towel in between a couple of plates.

Still debating on what seeds to go for next (autos) The Maxi GoM looks nice and I cant find a smoke report for it at all so may try that, and was also thinking maybe getting the Super Cali Haze by Short Stuff, anyways Ive got until mid week to decide.

Got a few pictures, first one is the Tundra and the rest are the Top 44s.

Ill get back to you in a couple of days with another report and pictures. Peace
Very interested to see your grow, im going the auto route also, and ive got the pineapple express too arriving soon so should be good

My first 4 seeds went completley tits up down to my situation and skills :( hoepfully more luck with the next :P


Active Member
So I've been out to check on my babies today and they're looking good. The Tundra I put in the raised beds must be loving it. That patch gets sun from about 10am til 5-6pm direct sunlight. The top 44s look ok and the Pineapple are looking good also. The 12 60 Day Wonder seeds, 10 of them have swollen up so fingers crossed eh? :)

As for the soil im using Westlands multi purpose compost with Westland vermiculite and Westland fish blood and bone mixed in. Should be ok I guess.

The raised beds has compost that I made myself from a years worth of recycling with Westlands mixed in also. They will be housing some tomato and lettuce plants also. Making your own compost is good :lol:

In terms of pictures this is all I have to offer today, the last picture is some Pineapple Express a friend of mine grew hydroponically.

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