UK outdoor growers - Please read


Active Member
I have got a sativa growing indoors that's been in 12/12 flowering for about 2 weeks.

The problem is it's totally outgrowing my grow space, so I need to make a plan. I clipped the top off about 4 weeks ago to try and keep it small enough, but it's still just growing much more than I expected.

If i move it outside now, will it flower as normal. When do plants normally start flowering outdoors around here? I'm new to the northern hemisphere so please let me know. It's a sativa so it should take around 10-12 weeks to finish flowering. Will it flower in time to miss the first frost and cold weather?

Any help would be appreciated.

Mr Spock

Sativa's dont really grow to well up here mate, if your plant does make it, it probaly wont be as big and bountiful as it would have been in somewhere like Brazil. Our summers are too short and the frost comes too early =(


Active Member
Damn!! Thanks guys. Not really what i wanted to hear, but thanks.

Guess I'll have to get a bigger grow room. :wall: