New Member
yea you just in on the weekends 6:00pm friday til 6:00 sunday then it's off to the bar only one sunday i got out then got another dui that night...in pa you cant really smuggle shit in unless you are really good(which i am) and they drug test you every friday and if you fail they consider it bringing drugs into the prison and your screwed. did a few in tn. too and they didn't drug test and not in general population in your own block with a bunch of other weekenders
ive only heard of it being done down south around the tn,al,ga area......
they didnt do the drug testing for my uncle there in ga.....and he "suitcased" shit in there all the time he said. fucker would go for weekend jail with an ounce of mexi brick weed and come out with $300+
and they were in a separate block there not with general population.