Ultimate Hash Plant-

Smoke report??????? Come on Dr., break out the papers and roll a dube- we're all waiting. LOL

I've been dealing with humidity problems becasue my new room isnt properly vented and the drying went extrememly slow. I mean extremely!
Anyway...its dry now and im testing it. First thing to report is the instant warmth that spreads through body with first hit.
Taste is sandalwood and spice....with some other things in the mix that im trying to identify. I keep thinking of your question about it comparing to Turkish Cookies.....verdict is still out as far as smoke it goes but the yield looks better. Working on a smoke report and still have to trim and weigh it all.
Plant 2 came down at 66 days. Afterwards, I wished I had taken it a week earlier but no big deal. I ended up losing some becasue of mold, which seems to happen this time of year around here but, with my new room not being properly vented, there is a lot of extra humidity getting into the old room as well. I'm working on writing a smoke report and getting it trimmed and weighed this weekend. More to come......


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SMOKE REPORT—Ultimate Hash Plant

Final Weight

Plant 1 - 8.05

Plant 2 - 8.75 ( It also had another 3/4 of an ounce or more of bud that molded that i didnt weigh)


Tester Name:

Dr Gruber


Ultimate Hash Plant


Dr Greenthumb


Dr Gruber


Promix Potting Soil-(Drain to Waste)

Flower Time: 49 to 63

Grow Comments-

Badass little fuckers. Easy to grow, manageable, and yields very well. I'd have to double check but I think these are the best yielders for their size I've ever grown. A half pound from a 32 inch plant, from my room, is beyond my expectations.



Associated smells of bud:

Hints of: Grapefruit, Fuel.


Sandalwood, spice.

Associated flavors:

Hash, perfume.

Flavor Intensity-(Sour Diesel or Bubba Kush would be a 9 or 10.)


Harsh/smoothness: (1-10, 1 being extremely harsh and 10 being extremely smooth) --



Flavor Comments- The soft and woody flavors of Sandalwood, with hints of spicy hash. The fuel and grapefruit noted in the smell is not noticeable in the flavor whatsoever. While it may not be a flavor powerhouse. the sandalwood is exotic and tasty and I haven't tasted it in a long while. Definitely reminds me of the many "hash plants" I sampled in the late 80's and into the 90's. There were few floating around so I can't pinpoint which I remember tasting like this but it is in that general category.

BUZZ Profile—Almost all body.

What a difference a few days can make. First impression from the still wet samples was disappointing. I was worried I had a potency dud. But when it finally dried in my humid room, it was another story altogether.

Instant warmth spreads through body. It lights you up and gives energy but that settles into a nice couch lock after a short period. Great for relaxing and watching a long movie, hanging out, or whatever floats your boat. If your are tired beforehand, you will probably sleep, but if you are awake, you should have little trouble staying awake. This, in my mind , is how an indica should be.

Potency: (1-10, 1 being extremely weak and 10 being extremely potent)


Duration: (length of buzz, from first hit)

2-3 hours

Munchies: Yes/no----





Turpentine ()

Metallic ()

Ammonia ( )

Urine ()

Vinegar ( )

Bleach ()

Lotions () -

Plastics ( )

Glues ( )

Fuel ()

Rubber ()

Eucalyptus ()

Menthol ()


Grass ()

Fruity ( )

Berry ( ) -

Black/Blue/Raspberry ( )

Citrus ( ) -

Orange () -

Lemon ( ) -

Lime () -

Apple () -

Mango () -

Grape () -

Cherry () -

Tutti Fruity ()

Floral ( ) -

Perfume () -

Blossom ()


Spearmint ()

Peppermint ( )

Caramel ()

Pineapple ()

Sugar ()




Lemon -()

Lime-( )

Vinegar ( )


Woody (x )

Incense ()

Hardwood ( )

Sage ( )

Juniper ( )

Cedar ()

Sandalwood (x)

Pine ()

Basil ( )

Garlic ( )

Dill ( )

Clove ()

Parsley ()

Pepper ()

Hash (x)

Tobacco ()

Chocolate ()


Lavender Spice ()

Toasted Almond ()

Gunpowder ()

Camphor ()


Earthy (x)

Loam ()

Dirt ()

Musty ()

Dusty ()

Alberta spruce ()

Gamey ()

Sweet skunk ()

Skunk ( )

Botanical ()

Hay ()

Autumn leaves ( )

Trees ()

Tangy ()

Manure ()

Moldy ()

Cheese ()

Final Comment- As far as just growing a plant, this is about perfect in every way. Small and compact but yields very well. Easy to grow and manage and is resilient to stress. It really all comes down to preference of flavor and buzz profile. And, while I am a sativa guy, I'm extremely impressed with this plant. A fricken Knockout!


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I'm thinking about opening up another room as my back stock is low (actually out) so I need to bump up my inventory and this may fit the bill. Thanks again!
I have been watching this thread and I must say " DAAAAAMMMNNN!" I am impressed. I have had Doc's original Endless Sky which was incapacitating and his Sour Diesel which is a good representation of the clone and damn good smoke. Now I'm trying to decide whether to grab the Ultimate Hash plant or the Turkish Cookies. Which one would you prefer?
I have been watching this thread and I must say " DAAAAAMMMNNN!" I am impressed. I have had Doc's original Endless Sky which was incapacitating and his Sour Diesel which is a good representation of the clone and damn good smoke. Now I'm trying to decide whether to grab the Ultimate Hash plant or the Turkish Cookies. Which one would you prefer?
Geezzz....both are great so its hard for me to pick.
UHP is a great yielder so that puts it over the top for many but i think, as a personal preference, i lean to the TC.
I have a 2 new TC in flower right now and one ofthem smells strongly of Cookies which none of them have before. I expect greatness.
But, as I said the yield is not the same as UHP and UHP is also really good smoke.Close call...