**ULTIMATE LED TEST** *GLH Spectra 290* VS *Blackstar 500* VS *Hydro Grow LED 336X*

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
I like it for the last reason lol yes fuck them trolls lol

word on the hps test. I had originally planned to do that myself as I once upon a time had 2 air cooled 400 watters. After I sold one of them to buy my first led lights I was about to set it up, but it was freakin hot in the dirty south summer I wouldn't have been able to run a "fair" watt for watt without adding high speed venting on the hps. HPS without high speed venting was keeping my closet at well over 90 degrees F, not acceptable for proper mj growth. Having used 3w leds for a minute now I am quite sure I know what would happen. Watt for watt leds will wax a hps/mh/cmh/cfl whatever you wanna toss at it. I'd still like to see it done ... for science of course (and maybe to give some trolls something to think about before they start spouting off).


Well-Known Member
those clones look like they have a mag. def. and i just cant see why sumone would spend 1500 on a light when you can get a hole 4 light set up with exhaust fan for that much and pull 4 to 5 pounds. is it to save money on electricity? i dont get it.


Well-Known Member
those clones look like they have a mag. def. and i just cant see why sumone would spend 1500 on a light when you can get a hole 4 light set up with exhaust fan for that much and pull 4 to 5 pounds. is it to save money on electricity? i dont get it.
To each his own man, and I agree on the mag def - I have found I've had to add more cal mag to my led plants than I did on my hps plants. Still lets look at the initial cost for a quality 1000w hps set up with venting - probably somewhere around $500 give or take. Look at the cost of a led light that could replace said hps lamp - probably close to a grand, at least this is what it cost to replace 800w of hps in my garden.

Over the next three years you will have to replace that 1000w bulb at least 5 times to maintain lumen efficacy, you may or may not have to replace a ballast and will most def save a ton of dough on electricity. All this assuming you're lights are under a 3 year warranty from a reputable company the equation does balance itself out in the long haul.

Also I have jars of nuggets grown under hps (albiet with out high speed venting) and jars grown under led - I reach for the jars of led grown nuggets before the hid ones.


Active Member
I greatly appreciate everyone that visits this thread and adds knowledge! I would never consider it thread jacking, because honestly, what would be the fun if I was the only one on the thread posting? lol.

Crazy days these last few! Tent updates will be posted in 2/3 hours!

Just got my "trial bag" of STG Hail! This stuff looks interesting!

here is a link to the promotion for anyone interested > http://www.suretogrow.com/stg-hail-promotion


Active Member
Day 24 and the buds are looking virtually even in size across the board!
Almost to the half way mark. now things should get very interesting.





Well-Known Member
looking awesome bro keep it up, i'm subd..

HGL 336x is packed with crystals followed by Black Star and the GLH spectra.

GLH need to lower their prices to compare against Black Star and HGL 336x seems like a winner but the price is killer for setting up a decent size grow room for multiple number of large plants.

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
I'm not all that much more impressed by tricome production I think a blackstar and a reptile bulb would blow that penetrator out on tribune production. It's for sure producing more but not ass loads like I would like to see


Active Member
Next feeding ill start using Bloombastic, and that stuff usually kicks off the real growth in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
I heard of UVB bulb not that long ago, I have this one http://www.petsandponds.com/en/reptile-supplies/c194883/c219182/p17022172.html and the right lamp fixture for it : http://www.petsandponds.com/en/reptile-supplies/c195349/p17066721.html, 125W. The bulb gets a little hot but not as bad as I thought, you just need good ventilation. Mine goes on for an hour every other hour, I have it like 6 inches from the top of 1 plant sort of hooked in diagonal so it gives UVB to my full 3x4 space... I dont really see any difference yet, more benefits in flowering I think.

I figured it was a cheap light for what it does ( apparently ) that is why I am using it now.

Indoor reptiles need UVB to stay healthy... for the bones and skin. that is why some growers are using reptile lamp... there is a few growers using them on this forum .

Cheers :leaf:


Well-Known Member
and coolj, those lights look way overpriced ,.. too expensive for someone always begging like you !! 700$ for 200W!

I wonder what this is all about though:

10. It is the first light ever to feature an innovative CO2 distribution intake point connected to its fans to evenly disperse CO2 over your grow for optimum plant growth.
almost sound useless to me!


Well-Known Member
Do a search on UVB and cannabis
For the most part, people are here to learn, it's nice to have the opinion of other RIU user even though google search was made! And some people are just not spending hours on the internet everyday, ... so they can just ask a question, come back a few days later, voila.

Last edited by Endur0xX to be nice 11-05-2011 at 05:36 PM.