**ULTIMATE LED TEST** *GLH Spectra 290* VS *Blackstar 500* VS *Hydro Grow LED 336X*


Well-Known Member
Someone informs you that you are wrong, so you label them as a troll - That's the real joke right there.
I agree... Kaptain Kron, sick are not, it makes no difference... I erased and edited a bunch of post for you the other day so you dont look like an asshole and here you are again... cant believe it. Where I am from , we call people like you Mr. Joe knows Everything, and they are annoying type of people...


Someone needs to check this weak ass hater lol got nothin no links no emails to show no proof no nothin
I cant keep up with your silliness

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Umm I been going off pics dood posted by someone else up until now it was keepin up just fine the other two swelled up.

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
I agree... Kaptain Kron, sick are not, it makes no difference... I erased and edited a bunch of post for you the other day so you dont look like an asshole and here you are again... cant believe it. Where I am from , we call people like you Mr. Joe knows Everything, and they are annoying type of people...


I cant keep up with your silliness
my silliness wow maybe u should go back and read what he posted I'm not the only one callin him a troll op Asked him to stop callin names because people didnt agree with himEveryone's allowed a bad day or two man what's not allowed is trolling on someone's thread with invalidated information for no reason other than to start some shit his first post here was that way it clearly states hey use cree LEDs and until someone pulls one down and runs the part numbers I'm going to believe my research. If he had proof of something he shoulda posted it not just rambled on about how right he was

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Here see specifically asking for that shit to stop only one person was name cling and it was him because no one nelieved his info

Woah. Good morning/afternoon everyone. Popped my head in to see how the thread was rolling..

I'm not making any accusations towards anybody singly, but from now on this a rule: There will be no name calling or personal attacks. If you disagree with what is said, then discuss on the topic that is disagreed upon to hopefully learn something new. Name calling will only put the name called on the defensive state, which inhibits their desire to intake new information and learn. I know most of us here want to learn and have the option to teach as well so please keep to comments directed towards the topic and not the person.


Well-Known Member
Here see specifically asking for that shit to stop only one person was name cling and it was him because no one nelieved his info
you and davoswavos started attacking and insulting him before he threw an insult at anyone. you are not innocent in this. you are the main problem.

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Do I need to go back and start quoting all his posts? I really don't think ao he called me ignorant before uncalled him a troll. Besides what are we supposed to think when someone with one post shows up in this test thread and immediately and without proof starts rippin on a light I don't care if it was the fuckin extravagantly priced penetrator I still woulda called him out


Well-Known Member
Do I need to go back and start quoting all his posts? I really don't think ao he called me ignorant before uncalled him a troll. Besides what are we supposed to think when someone with one post shows up in this test thread and immediately and without proof starts rippin on a light I don't care if it was the fuckin extravagantly priced penetrator I still woulda called him out
based on the way you've handled yourself in this thread I would definitely trust a one post noob before you.


Active Member
OK !!!!! Time out everyone, stop all this arguing as this is not productive, now everyone say sorry to Wejuana for trying to turn this into a circus and lets get back to the grow ;-) Wejuana, the floor is yours :-)


Active Member
i cant find the thread for the 280 watt panel really want to see results.
This is what the guy said when harvested:
Thats looking awsome matey. Once i have got a grow or two ubnder my belt i may start adding things to my cabs

My bud is now dry, im shocked to be honest, i thought i had 6-7 oz but with all stalks removed and dry i got 13oz

My main big plant yeilded 71/2 oz
the amount of lower buds on it was awsome and its making me think i should have my lights a tad higher as they seem to have awsome penetration. To say im over the moon is an understatement. 1 plant was all rotten so i got nothing off that and i rekon i only got about an oz off the hermied plant and chucked the rest.

I rekon if i can get 4 ladies vegged to 20-25" all the way through flower without any problems i can get 20oz+.

The thread is here:


Active Member
How is that Spectra LED supposedly 12+ spectrums? Just curious. Are they using 12 diffeent wavelengths of LED bulbs in it?
God knows the truth my dear Lucius, GOD KNOWS. They wont tell you. And they lie also. They kind of keep it for theimselves... you know they don't wAnt people to copy them.
Take Magnum guys for example: They state on the website:
I can tell you, that's bollocks (I have got one)
Do you really think they would tell everyone? :D
It's much simpleler their configuration ;)
They accomplish two things at once with that: first, they fool possible forgers. Second, they want to look like they use such special blend diodes...............


Active Member
Sorry WJ I quit bickering a while back like said above it's not productive and we got carried away I wont do it anymore keep up the good work and thanks for doing this journal.


Well-Known Member
May be true for the magnum's I don't know cause I've never used one, but I don't know about the lying from GLH - that's pretty harsh to say w/o proof. I owned a 12 spectrum 100w ufo from GLH it was a great light and if you looked you could easily see the different spectrum employed (through sunglasses though cause its pretty bright). They might only have a couple in the odd orange, green, or wide kelvin temp but they're there.


Well-Known Member
Its true they don't want someone building a light to their specs cause they were the ones who spent the R&D $ to come up with those specs, but at least in the GLH and Hydro Hut lines when they advert a certain number its there. I've owned both brands, and am very nerdy about my lighting.

Since they were unwilling to give me the spectrum readout, which I can apprecaite, I turned on the lights and with heavy black sunglasses on counted things up to make sure I didn't just buy a bunch of hype. At least with these two brands the number of leds using 3w chips for the total panel wattage and spectrum used made sense - at least in all the models I own. Like I said, nerdy about my lights.


Active Member
I noticed when my light reflects off clear plastic you can see all the spectrums its really cool looking if your really high.


Active Member
May be true for the magnum's I don't know cause I've never used one, but I don't know about the lying from GLH - that's pretty harsh to say w/o proof. I owned a 12 spectrum 100w ufo from GLH it was a great light and if you looked you could easily see the different spectrum employed (through sunglasses though cause its pretty bright). They might only have a couple in the odd orange, green, or wide kelvin temp but they're there.
in my magnum I can see about 7 different colors including the UV you cannot see, cannot see 11 though ;)
Can you see 12 with GLH and 14 with Pro-grow?
I have tried to contact pro-grow for the past several weeks, by email - phone every day - contact form ...... nothing. They are on holiday or what? :D