Ultra sneaky chest of drawers


Active Member
easy everybody and welcome to my first thread and first grow!
i am currently doing some handy work on an old chest of drawers and we are looking at a grow space (measurments taken inside the box) of:

587mm x 480mm x 325mm
approx 2' X 1'8'' x 1'1'' (they are estimates folks as im in a hurry to get back to work on my cupboard)

this will be mylar lined and i intend on using 3 cfls of up to 40 watts each, i only intend on having two or three plants in there at a time and will be growing from cuttings.

will 3 cfls of 40 watts each run safely througha standard uk plug? i know nothing of voltage or amps?!

i have a basic understanding of clones veg and flouring, i am quite experienced in nutes too, so fingers crossed all shall be well.

now other questions i have are regarding extraction, will computer fans and a mini homemade carbon scrubber be sufficient to deal with blueberry and other smelly buds?

i was going to have a circuit that runs two computer fans (intake and breeze for stem strength) with a light dimmer controlling the speed.

the other will have 3 fans (one other for stem strength) the other two for the extraction process, one into scrubber and one out of the other end of the scrubber anf out of the growbox into my bedroom.

i will have an extrenal emergancy shut down switch will stop the fans when i have unexpected guests, this will not effect my lights though.

any advice on wiring computer fans, bulbs, making carbon scrubber, extraction and any other tips for a complete beginner.

i will post pictures of my hard work, that is the basic cupboard and blueprints tomorrow.

thanks for checking my thread and thanks in advance for anyone who responds.



Well-Known Member
First off.
The DIY section is littered with Wiring your own pc fans, carbon scrubbers etc.

The two outtake fans..
You should have them both with carbon filters.
if you only have one fan with a carbon filter pulling air out and the other just pulling stinky smelling air out, it defeats the point of even having one carbon filter.

Check the following link


it has a load of links to DIY carbon scrubbers.


Well-Known Member
I don't have any personal experience in this area, but my best guess would say that a computer fan doesn't provide enough air flow for you to both hook up a carbon scrubber and provide adequate ventilation. My recomendation would be to go with an ozone generator for smell. They work very well, and you can get one on ebay for not too much.

Aside from that, your grow box is kinda small for a first time grower. I would recomend going bigger for your first few, but that's just my two cents.


Active Member
cheers everyone, as you can probably guess im new to this site, i used to be up on overgrow though. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction Arrid.

yea i think the ozone generator will be a decent investment. i have made some adjustments to the original post in terms of my computer fan extraction idea.

fan> filter> fan> out

is the general idea. i would love to go bigger but i am having to do with what i have readily available to me due to finances and because i am living in a shared house. plans and photos this evening! keep checking back.


i took a lot of influence from this thread in terms of sufficient lighting.

thanks again fr checking see you all soon