Well-Known Member
I chose suppository.

Typical right wingnut. You blather on about some falsehood you regurgitated after hearing or reading it from some right wing media source like that idiot Alex Jones. Then get angry when a rational person points out that history, events or the simple truth aren't even close to your fabrications and lies.I think I know why your leftist jerk off friends have you on ignore as well. Like a broken record of the poopsie commercial in japanese. I don't believe in the ignore function but I may review it with you.
Again, nobody is pointing fingers other than at you to laugh.Leftist action......point fingers, accuse and hope nobody investigates.
You voted for the klan-endorsed candidateProve it
Notice how all your statements are opinions (“I think”) whereas we are stating undeniable facts ?I think it is racist that you have allowed 19 million black children to be snuffed out and flung like a hang nail.
I think it is racist to think that black voters cannot get to the dmv to get an ID so that we can ensure secure elections.
I think it is racist to say that Thomas Sowell is an Uncle Tom
I think the KKK is still helping the Democrats by smearing the GOP
I think you are all are fucking communist puppets
I think Sour puss is a snitch
Like 100% NAACP voting records from a klanmens democrat who fillibustered the 64 civil Rights act?..yeah facts...and you don't mix wellNotice how all your statements are opinions (“I think”) whereas we are stating undeniable facts ?
Always were!We've become the bad guys
Google it when you’re not too busy voting for the klan-endorsed candidate, trumptardLike 100% NAACP voting records from a klanmens democrat who fillibustered the 64 civil Rights act?..yeah facts...and you don't mix well
Again, you are favoring ancient history when recent history shows the Republican party is now the Klan's party. Well documented statements by officials in the Klan, Republicans and Trump clearly show the KKK and racists who support them endorse Trump and Trump reciprocates.Like 100% NAACP voting records from a klanmens democrat who fillibustered the 64 civil Rights act?..yeah facts...and you don't mix well
Always were!
“But I have a black friend I watch on the YouTube”
that pin has been fact checked and it's not official clinton-gore flair. Nice try kenny klansmen.
You’re dumbShow me. I read Snopes. (Unproven) He said, She said. Not official? How many were in those days? Why would matter anyhow? The KKK was never officially Democrat but that mattered none.
You're white.You’re dumb
Oh, hi white guy. I asked you earlier but I guess you were too busy to reply, so I'll ask again:You're white.
I think the KKK is still helping the Democrats by smearing the GOP