Un-orthadox growing methods


New Member
Quick question here. Has anyone ever grown cannabis upside down with the light on the floor and the plant hanging vertically? If so care to share your results?

The main reason I am asking this is from a pest control POV. When I would hang and dry my buds, the spidermites would always crawl vertically towards the line.(Apparently they dont like being upside down)

My thought here is growing a plant upside down may trigger the mites to move up the stock like thy do when hanging buds. Then put flytape around the base pf the stem to catch em crawling up.

Any thoughts, critiques, or experience would be greatly appreciated


Well-Known Member
you might as well do it for the fun factor,I still think doing it to control spider mites is dumb though.


Well-Known Member
I don't think mites care about being upside down. They make webs to get where they're going and really seem to like hanging out on the underside of leaves. There are much easier methods to deal with them.


Well-Known Member
Quick question here. Has anyone ever grown cannabis upside down with the light on the floor and the plant hanging vertically? If so care to share your results?

The main reason I am asking this is from a pest control POV. When I would hang and dry my buds, the spidermites would always crawl vertically towards the line.(Apparently they dont like being upside down)

My thought here is growing a plant upside down may trigger the mites to move up the stock like thy do when hanging buds. Then put flytape around the base pf the stem to catch em crawling up.

Any thoughts, critiques, or experience would be greatly appreciated