Unappreciative Homeless people.


Well-Known Member
I loved the guy I saw yesterday... he had a dog with him and had a sign on it that just said "Smile", didn't ask for money or anything, just wanted people to smile. So when I passed I gave him the :peace: sign and he returned the favor with a big smile, maybe it was ... Jesus...! :o

That's why I try my damdest to give money when I can. Because you never know.


Well-Known Member
i gave some gum 2 a homeless person and he told me 2 fuck my gum so i ran at him and kicked him in the nuts. how fucking dare he , id only been chewing on it 5 minutes ,still had loads of flavour, i like homeless people, they make great footballs.
how do u stop a homeless person from drowning[ take your foot off his head].


Well-Known Member
i watched an intervention about a crack head who made 2 grand a month panhandling and spent 100 bucks a day on crack most days. always telling people he needed 5 more dollars for the whopper meal. he was a great hustler. if you wanna help em bring them some food and dont give them money for booze or drugs.


Well-Known Member
damn, y'all are pretty cynical around here... my last job was working for the big state-funded mental health centers with some very sick people, needless to say, it wasn't in the best part of town. There was a homeless people tent camp in the woods adjacent to the building, and i used to go down after work and buy them beer or smoke with them when i had time. they were mostly war veterans, all were suffering from PTSD and 75% were schizophrenic. I'm pretty sure they all smoked crack when i wasn't around, but they were fucking cool. Ironically, it made me feel safe when i left at night to know that if something bad happened between me and one of my mental health clients, that all i would have to do was yell into the woods for help. One time i let them borrow my chain saw to cut some wood for their firepit, and when i returned it one of them said, "I have some clothing for you." I'm thinking, gross i don't want your stinky homeless clothing, but i thanked them and said ,"I can always use more clothes." Dude pulled out a brand new hand stitched leather ladies coat, it fit me perfectly and is a badass coat. I don't know who they stole it from lol.


Well-Known Member
yeah man not all homeless people are bad, for real. I work at homeless shelters quite often and a lot of them love to have normal conversations or just somebody to vent to. it's always worth it to try and help, not all of them are drug addicts or assholes. It is usually not a good idea to give them money, though. I was brought up hearing that because I lived in the city. my buddy used to sell to these homeless dudes, he'd give them quarters for $10. sometimes we would roll a couple blunts and just hand them out and smoke our own (we didnt want to touch their blunts). one time I was at an abandoned building and a homeless guy who I thought was going to attack me pulled out some awesome looking tree's and was like, you wanna chill for a bit? he just wanted someone to talk to. but I have had bad experiences too, everyone does. like when there was a brawl over a muffin, a corn muffin. corn muffins fucking SUCK.


Well-Known Member
hehe...i've traveled around the country for years out of a backpack. very rarely do i like to stand anymore with a sign or ask people for change...i only do that when i REALLY need $$ bad. otherwise, i like to sit somewhere and play guitar for tips....it feels better to be offering SOMETHING and i never expect anything in return, it's just nice if someone wants to help out of the kindness of their heart. i'd much rather do some temp work than sit their with my hand out.
but yea, some days are hard....you really ARE cold, wet, hungry, miserable...and you can't make shit. other days it's easy to make $100 in a few hours. i'm always grateful and always thank someone for their kindness. but i also do share my weatlh and i help other less fortunate people when i have more of something. ---oh and one last thing --- it's a hard lifestyle to live at times...most of the time actually, and that's why so many drink or do drugs - because it's extremely hard to be miserable day in and out while you're sober.


Well-Known Member
i never give money to street people. never a penny. i work too hard to earn my 75cents to the $1 you men make so youd have to do something seriously positive for the world for me to give you anything. if i see a bum doing something useful like cleaning up garbage or taking recyclables, i gladly give mine to him. i always give my shit to this one guy that i like. he is very appreciative and speaks great english, he's not lazy, just bad circumstances.

i want to do an experiment. i go out in scruffy clothes and see if i make more than the male bums. i am curious to see what they make. there are loads of them in my neighborhood, i only have to walk a block & i can sit there and beg.


Well-Known Member
i am a woman. do you think woman bums make more? what if i wear no bra or pretend i am pregnant, do you think that would increase my income?


Well-Known Member
lol, maybe i will film my experiment on the corner of santa monica blvd and see what happens. i was thinking about wearing some raunchy beat up boots and a sign that says "need a new pair of shoes". what do u think? its better than asking for sandwich $


Well-Known Member
A dude holding a sign and yelling f$# you as u give him money?wow,thats pretty bad,but those people are the type that make the legit people with real problems that need help look like s%$t!


Well-Known Member
lol, maybe i will film my experiment on the corner of santa monica blvd and see what happens. i was thinking about wearing some raunchy beat up boots and a sign that says "need a new pair of shoes". what do u think? its better than asking for sandwich $
no, cause then you're gonna get someone who either gives you a pair of their old shoes or takes you to goodwill. you're better off asking money for medicine if you're trying to scam people...


Well-Known Member
that would suck if i got old shoes. i dont want o say medicine though, most places u can get medicine for free if you qualify. i will have to say i need a bus pass but that one is so overused. i get people asking me for gas oney & bus $ all the time. i always say no.


Well-Known Member
or you could wait till a very rainy day. then the day after, bring all your dirty wet clothes (and backpack) to the off ramp and fly a sign saying Need Laundry Money...try that


Well-Known Member
a Local Homeless guy named Charlie was on Intervention, that tv show.. When I was in highschool we knew all the bums & sold them weed.