Just being my cynical self, but I have seen plenty of printed articles, some with my name on it. I am nothing, and itI is nothing to get article printed. It is only about column inches of print to fill the page around the advertizing.
Take it from me, having been a full modern adult for quite a while, But, I first noticed this in Surfer magazine, when I was 14. And then Photography, Airplanes, Motorcycles.... Mags are Advertizing period.
And no one called BS, see? This a canker on society I think. I call it the instant right-fight. I see it here everyday. There seems to be no neutral ground anymore for facts. People are taught that their own feeling are the most important. This is bad.
It leads to the consequence of everyone FEELS they are RIGHT and must FIGHT.
All that anyone said was, there are no facts. And then you come with the sophistry of defense when there is no attack.
You called him a mad scientist. You talk about seriously or not. You said his methods speak for themselves. I didn't see any method, only decent prose to hide this utter lack of any references.
Your methods work perhaps, and perhaps you did shoehorn in some of his ideas.
But, only controlled science has any meaning, to take us from superstition, myth and lore. What % of SML, is real? No way to know. What are the items in the unknown % of real, that make up the real, and which items do not. No way to know.
This is exactly why, Science was invented. Science is only one thing, a Method for Discovery and Verification that is ruthless about testing in double blind when necessary, to stamp out the Superstition, Myth and Lore on the Subject.
So, you can cheer yout champion. But, in Science we don't need that. Cheering? The last we saw that in Science was Cold Fusion.
So, find proven facts, in a ruthless, and cold way, ignoring all opinion. That is science. All else is just goofing around in your personal situation and getting paid by the word and column. inch of print.
Have you ever seen an article in ICMag, for instance, by Uncle Ben, here? You are not looking. And his articles are not like that. His are documented experiments. You can see what he is talking about, and you know. he paid the dues to find out.